Tyson Hardiman

Disagrees with your theory...

Meh.. we'll never have batteries that last for more than a couple of hours anyway. Not worried about terminator-bots.

Yeah, these are a little better I think, but also very noisy. It's amazing how Dyson seems to put sooo much research and technology into things, to have them perform only slightly better than the competition.



Mr Askale looks appropriately enthusiastic about this new technology.

That's crap! It's really our new orbital strike missile system called, "Sleepy Beaver". It's purpose is to deter other nations from stealing our water and encroaching on our valuable boreal forest real-estate. DO NOT WAKE THE SLEEPING BEAVER!!

OMG, the conversation about the Barbie dolls is hilarious!! Especially when they realize just how involved they were getting, pause awkwardly.. then move on to the next topic.

So if I suffer from excessive sweating, will I be perpetually Springtime Fresh?

Exactly! I never understood the whole "Save a tree!!" mentality. I'm not an "expert" on the subject, but I did graduate college as a Forest Technician so I understand that there are sustainable methods to harvest forests. Those damn clear-cutters tarnished the image of the forestry industry.

Just say no to Trolls man! I admit I had to bite my tongue for that one. ;-)

No way!! I'm honestly sho-, err.. surprised to find that out. So, this movie wasn't actually a documentary?

Viral, you say?

Oh god yes, I was one of the geeks wearing those in public school! I loved them because I was terrible at doing math in my head.

That IS pretty cool.. although I still have to pull the cord like a CHUMP. They need a model with more than 1 gear. Shit, I just want one where I drop in a head of lettuce and Cesar salad comes out!

I give him an A 4 effort though.

Good thing, 'cause you never know...


Please don't invade us and steal our water and/or land.

Wouldn't that increase drag and decrease fuel efficiency? Well, yeah.. it's a bus.