Tyson Hardiman

Or SAMs? I guess it'd have to be deployed in areas already cleared of any significant threats to airships.

Haha, buuuuurrrn! Lots of services are piggybacking off Facebook, Twitter and whatnot these days.

The 4 random word thing would be great, but I've never encountered a service that would allow you to do that. It's usually some MANDATORY variation of letters and numbers with a character limit.

I work in Tech, but I admit I AM approaching my 40's so my opinion may be a little out of date! Anyhoo, I believe that when you're first meeting someone you should be concentrating on THEM and not your PHONE. It would be a total turn-off for me if the other person kept getting distracted by messages or calls. It

As a father of 3 young girls, I've found that my preconceived ideas don't always make their way into practice. I used to think the whole making them wait for a spanking would have been appropriate (the way I received them), but once I've cooled down I have no desire to spank anyone. Time outs and taking away toys

I am stone sober, and I AM CANADIAN!!!

Wow, Fiji imported more than all of Mongolia. Way to go Mongolia!!

Ha, my wife does laugh at me a little! For me, it's research into what my little girls will be facing as they grow up. The more you KNOW right? ;-)

Who cares if you delete them? If you tweeted something stupid, surely you don't owe it to humanity to leave it there forever. It's not like you're altering court documents (um, unless your tweets are evidence in court proceedings).

Can we call this the, "Porky's Effect"? Peeping used to (and largely continues to) be portrayed in film as naughty-but-normal, "boys being boys" behavior. Shortly after cellphone cameras came out, websites like upskirt.com and mobileasses.com were created. I remember because other guys in the office were like,

Wait, does that mean I can use TVShack again? The meanie Feds kept shutting those guys down, but they didn't actually host any content.

eep. I'd hate to be the on-call tech support guy when the phone rings for THAT one.

Go kiss your iPad... Apple-polisher!!

People love to jump on a bandwagon that seems to be on the winning side of an argument. Like watching Jerry Springer, it gives them a short-lived feeling of superiority.

How many badges have swords or other weapons on them? Is it only death imagery that is offensive, or can we include imagery that implies violence and/or death? A pretty sword with wings is just as deadly as a sword with a skull on it. Does sanitizing violence make it less violent, or just easier to turn a blind eye?

Well yes, ideally an enlightened society would only fight to defend our respective countries (I'm Canadian), or to defend those unable to fight for themselves. Politics, and the desire for power and resources dictates otherwise.

I had to type quickly since I was on the bus, but I actually agree with you. Having a skull and crossbones, in my mind, is being more open and honest about what they're actually doing.. kind of like the warnings on a box of rat poison. I thought Jesus' point was silly and hypocritical because he's condemning


The original design featured the Nyan cat, but it failed to instill fear in the hearts of their enemies.

I'm guessing it might have a bit of a pressure kick to shoot it's fuel so far.. kind of like a fire hose.