
You can try to condescend to me all you want, dear, but you're the one who came on here defending a bully. Fix yourself, bitch. Hon hon hon hon hon

See above.

Turns out when your followers bully and threaten people and you act like it's not your issue, you turn out to be no better than the bullies themselves. Who the fuck knew?

No, the one with the mentally ill fans who can't keep in mind this is a fucking reality show drag competition. Try to keep up, hon.

It's still not that simple though. There's still a stigma, especially in communities of color (ESPECIALLY down South where she's from), for getting help with mental hygiene issues. Is she exhausting? Absolutely. But is it necessarily her fault? Only a little. After all, we're all still a product of our circumstances.

Honestly, I don't think anybody ever had any obvious affinity for one another (at least not sincerely) this season, so the drama here didn't surprise me.

Mental illness is a thing. Don't shame her.

I started out the season thinking Sasha was soooooooo borrrrrrrring but damn if I'm not rooting for her as the winner now.

Nah. Bitch got exposed.

Farrah was on FIRE this episode.

Nobody who was carrying could stop the shooting either, apparently.

Interesting! I'm trying to trademark grumpy, "past-my-prime" out of touch musician tweets!

"No one is forced to participate in this debate."

Thank you for ranking kids movies.

Address his point, because it's not like the political climate was so friendly from 2008-2016.

I agree, but hopefully, you understand why most people feel "Well, if being immoral ends up getting you elected, why the fuck should I try?"

That's kind of the whole idea behind a leader.

Probably a good call, as I can't imagine any drama about Katrina being better than Treme.

Fuck you. Grow up in Compton sometime, and then feel free to discuss how marginalized people use the n-word.

No one's doing that though. He still has his show, he had a teachable moment on his show. Most people have moved on. Not sure who this imaginary firing squad that you all are dreaming up are, because I can't find them anywhere.