
Bad news: The best drivers cars have undoubtedly already been made.

While I do appreciate the sentiment, I think you might’ve missed the point. There are great cars now and there were crap cars in the past. However, there are no options for a visceral, analog driving experience as it stands now, and that’s the point. If I can buy a motorcycle that has the same things in mind, why

Thanks so much. I felt more fear, exhilaration and elation 31:04, of course, because the risk was so much greater and the moment to moment stress was so high. Philosophically, 31:04 was...er...a big step for me personally, but more so a sobering one. Besides the money, relationships were shattered and terrible

Dear Jalopnik,

This road does not exist. If it did it would be full of potholes and nails. Stay away, for your safety. Mullholland Drive is nice and well kept.

Having personally owned one of these I can say that they do indeed work on surprising and delighting women. This MG Midget is the perfect car for surprising and impressing that soon-to-be special woman in your life, due to the immense likelihood that she has never seen one and won’t know what it is.