...which also sounds like a problem we might choose to skip over in favor of real ones.
...which also sounds like a problem we might choose to skip over in favor of real ones.
I love how upset North Americans get over having to run a front plate on their cars. You guys really know how to get worked up about nothing because “it’s taking away your rights” compared to just ignoring all actual problems.
Almost all camera based ticketing take pictures of the rear, and pretty much all states that require front plates did so well before camera based ticketing existed.
People lie about crazy shit all the time. All kinds of people. It doesn’t necessarily mean they have mental problems.
No. He may be kind of a blowhard, but he’s also made some amazing films. Also, none of his comments above are incorrect, really. Despite the article’s incessant snark, the fact is that in Aquaman, it just doesn’t look like they’re underwater. Characters don’t move right; they just look like they’re flying through the…
Which is why I asked if there’s any actual data. I mean, everyone’s so quick to reassure people about how safe flying is in comparison to driving a car. From a germ perspective, is flying really more dangerous than spending an equivalent period in your average restaurant?
You’ve confused disgusting with dangerous, a mistake that is exactly what this article is targeting. The fact that you don’t enjoy contact with soft surfaces that have been in contact with other peoples’ skin doesn’t mean it’s going to make you sick.
These articles are so irritating (and yet I clicked another one!). We all touch millions of germs every day! There is fecal matter ALL AROUND US! It’s fine. Everything’s fine.
Is there any actual data on the risk factors here? We come into contact with all kinds of bacteria on a regular basis, be it through contact with public surfaces everywhere from doors to washrooms to chairs, exchanges of money and other products that come into contact with multiple people, and even being in close…
This is well-written and thoughtful. And it’s true — the original Ghostbusters was “lightning in a bottle”; it’s a special film and cannot be recreated on cue. (This is why one of the talking points that came out of the last round of Busters-related Culture War always annoyed me: that really, the original film is…
no not lil uzi vert; this is truly the day the music died
I’m not going to try and get in The Rock’s head, so I’m not defending what he’s getting at here per se, but I — as someone that clearly identifies as a liberal and supports the progressive movement, who can’t stand the right as it exists today — believe he makes a very good point, in general about a segment, not all,…
Go back and reread your original post.
Because even people who love steak realize that it is bad for our health and bad for the environment. Plus, cute animals had to be murdered for it.
Why would this not be for people that do it for moral reasons?
So what you’re proposing is execution for any and all sex offenders then, yes?
wow...seek help, bro.
Ah, yes, the feined outrage of the scum of the earth who only want to look down on someone else.
Oh grow up, you baby. People can change. They usually don't, but they can, and staying out of trouble for 10 years is a good indication that's happened.
Nothing is ‘ruined’ about it but not a heck of a lot in the movie made any sense at all once you thought about it for a couple seconds.