I know that as a customer I couldn’t be more thrilled than I am to subscribe to a different streaming service for every major studio.
I know that as a customer I couldn’t be more thrilled than I am to subscribe to a different streaming service for every major studio.
See, I can see why you’re bitter about that. It sounds bad. Had you led with that, rather than things like the picture post above where you appear to be accusing Borkowskowitz of being either Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, the Obamas, or all four, people might be talking to you like the hero you insist you are,…
Uncharitable (and sadly likely) explanation:
“I would be shocked if one person from the Clinton wing on this entire thread did one thing about Washington sex trafficking after you close this fucking tab.”
Nobody gets it but you. Go shout at a wall and leave the rest of us alone.
Speaking of kitten-burning journalism....
I blame the iPads. The classics are dying because of the iPads, and Steve Jobs was the numero uno murderer of them. I hope he says hello to them...in hell!
So MLB is correct that the union is refusing to go after people participating in a scam. Why are we angry at the NYT and MLB over this?
Mr. Big, the “major tycoon, major dreamboat, and majorly out of league” paramour of Sex And The City was, as his…
It’s true, those are bad things about capitalism.
He told the audience that “the threat to our democracy does not come from one person in the White House or Republicans in Congress or big money lobbyists. The biggest threat to our democracy is indifference.”
Not when comparing them to Republicans it’s not.
Was trying to decide if this was worse than HamNo’s hot garbage take, so I weighed some factors:
Thank you! You are the first person I’ve seen to make this point. Trump’s entire agenda is basically, undo everything Obama did, and this site has specifically pointed that out on countless occasions and rails against Trump for it. Yet now we find out that actually Obama did nothing while in office. You have to pick…
Or you can offer candidates who make them actually want to vote...
I have to imagine that if you’re someone in a low-wage job who depends on life-saving medicine or live in a rural area with few doctors Jacky Rosen’s blurb on health matters a lot.
It’s a real treat to see you say Obama basically did nothing and yet Republicans are demons for among other things...trying to undo the thing that he did. Talk about demotivating rhetoric.
You’re wrong, and for more than just the reason you sort of touch on.
This article is essentially the longform version of: “Nevermind the history of youth voting patterns—which can be charted over the course of decades. Nevermind that turnout for Congressional elections is always embarrassingly low—in a nation where turnout’s never good in the first place. Nevermind any of that stuff.