
I'm glad to see Nerf weaponry is advancing but what ever happened to the super soaker arms race? It's like the Monster XL gave rise to the concept of mutual assured destruction.

They need all that glue to get a better score in the Mat Honan Ass Bend Test than iP6.

Does it bend? Has anyone gone to BestBuy and tried bending one of these?

I often have a toxic cloud swirling around my south pole as well, usually after I've eaten some Taco Bell against my better judgement

Probably because that's a shitty thing to do.

If only there were a disinterested third party that would BUY things and test them, and then give you a marketing-free evaluation. That way you wouldn't "have" to destroy other people's property.

There's testing the pliability of a display product, and just going around bending them because you know you can. This situation is the latter.

This is it. This is what I have been waiting for. I will be that loser wearing that all hours of the day. But I know better than to buy products off crowd-funding sites. I'll wait until I see a finished product. But hurry up! I want this before Leela gets her mutant hands on one!

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

so theoretically you could make a double ended ice pop a la Darth Maul, but that would require advanced training to handle.

That is what I meant

Don't you mean it's "alluringly alliterative and fantastically flippant Friday"? :D

I think it's funny that with all this high tech, a cheap, disposable razor blade is still a fantastic forensics tool.

(Looks down at the three missing fingers on left hand, wipes away a single tear.)

Why would I want a device that reduces the amount of time I get to spend chopping things with an axe while I camp?

Jesus, you're all right with me.

And let's not forget Antennagate, which was repeatedly denied until there was no room for more denial shit (and yet Jobs managed to come back and spin crap around, as he used to, with the unofficial Apple press corps and the other idiotic fanboys clapping on the sides).

I...I still want to eat one....I am complicit in the fall of western civilization.

"Since there were no other animals of his species to base him off of,"