
this definitely looks like a great gun. i personally love my air zone punisher though. definitely you should look into that if you haven't seen it

so i know it's a few months late but everything in this article is correct. there is only one solution that is 100% guaranteed to immediately fix the issue and that is to change your number. as annoying as that would be it's the only way to fix it immediately once apple has failed to resolve it for you.

it's the potato chips of tape

i put about $80 into marvel war of heroes buying cards and such. when i sold everything on my account i made over $1100 though

looks good but i am partial to new amsterdam myself

there was a mac and cheese competition i went to. the one that won used tiny wooden spoons instead of tiny plastic spoons like everyone else

are you able to put these in the oven i'm assuming? or is that just crazy talk?

The only problem is the APNs in the phone would be designed for t-mobile. so without adjusting the settings in the phone(which a little research on google makes easy) the data may not work on your t-mobile phone on AT&T. IT SHOULD, but there is no garuntee

Only give up unlimited if you are a low data user. if you use more than 3gbs of data it's most likely not worth giving it up. Also try calling in and seeing if you can keep your unlimited data. some reps may be able to do something about allowing you to keep it

You could if you had a voip app. I don't know if there is one for ipad but one of my friends has one for his nexus tablet and he uses it as his phone.

Is it any iphone? even a 3g or 3gs?

A verizon iphone 5s will work on AT&T, you may have trouble with the data and I believe the LTE will never work nomatter what you do. but it will work enough to make calls and such. and maybe get hspa+ or 3g

If they need a nano sim they can go to an AT&T cor store for a free replacement

You may need to update the APNs in your phone if the data is not working properly. it should be pretty fine but it probably won't work as good as an AT&T branded one.

I can help clarify a bit on this for you.
for this explanation I will use the 10gb mobile share plan and the 16gb iphone 6

to clarify a bit

to clarify a bit