
If I had a 360 I'd say disc swapping isn't a big deal too. Now that I have a PS3, disc swapping is like blowing in an NES cartridge.

Clicking enlarge doesn't do much. Here's an idea. When posting images like these make them bigger so we can see the friggin details!

I could believe that. I work in technical support and talk to maintenance men all day. Anytime I'm dealing with a place that's unionized it's a huge pain and takes twice as long because of all the stupid rules. A guy standing right next to the on button has to call someone across the plant to come push the damn

Smart tactic! He let the kid beat up on him a little at first to build up his super meter.

Not as impressive as a double rainbow cloud...

Report it!? Hahaha, you must of been an annoying hall monitor as a kid.

Why was this piece of crap made? More importantly, why does giz have an article on a piece of wood with 4 tires and a handle attached to it?

Wow, someone took some pictures of Saturn and did something utterly unimpressive with them...

The Japanese are masters of weird.

Pardon my ignorance, but what is a full english?

I'll bet you're right.

You're reading too much into it.

I missed the part in article where is says "this is our biggest concern."

I can't read that...

This is China's Patriot Act.

Hahaha! I know what you are talking about. I dropped a couple F bombs trying to find these replies.

The picture viewer is horrible. Pics are either too small or too big. Stupid redesign. I grow to hate it more everyday. I wish I would just stop coming here and getting frustrated.

Was anyone expecting the Batmobile to be in it? This post is pointless. I want to replace this article with one that discusses how broken the notification system for this site is.