
We will see. I've had 2 ipods die on me, so I'm not a believer that Apple means quality.

Watch out for the broken beer bottle at the 1 km mark.

I'm looking forward to this. I like this Notch guy. He makes games I'd make if I had the talent.

Who really cares? I'd rather have a tablet that's more durable than a couple mm thinner, but that's apple for you. Just make it sexier and everyone will buy it because they don't know what to do with it any way.

Not that I'd ever want an iPad, but that's a pretty slick cover there.

If that's what it takes to play Battlefield 3, then that's what I'll get.

Thank God for Fumito Ueda! Finally a Japanese game designer that chooses a different path. I'm done with the big hair, school girls, tentacles, and out-of-place cute creatures/animals.

Me too brother... but really I just rented it and had to take it back before I beat the final colossus. Should have just paid the damn late fee.

I think it went out of beta around 6 months ago.

I can't stand Home because you can't go anywhere new without downloading the map which takes too long and is not anywhere close to worth waiting for.

What? You're saying the 200,000 dollars was stolen before he got conned out of it?

This is the prequel. Oceans One.

This is Apple's business model.

The motion has been seconded. All in favor say aye.

Well you know the saying... if it ain't broke, break it!

The picture viewer frigging sucks!

This is really stupid. Just go on e-bay and buy a 3 dollar plastic phone holder.

Umm this article is missing the part that makes it an article. I only see the title.

The problem with the Japanese is they'll buy the same game over and over, so the developers don't need to innovate. Which is why Tekken has been the same cheesy fighting game for 10 years.

Figures California would do this. It's just wrong when you sacrifice freedom and privacy for security and order. This is not the American way.