
Wow, I've got 180 hours into a character and I've heard the "arrow to the knee" line about a thousand times.

I consider Skyrim a much better game than Dues Ex, but Dues Ex has better music. Gregorian chants kinda suck.

Skyrim is possibly the best game I've ever played. The soundtrack, however, is par for the course. It's really not that good. It blends into the environment really well, but is completely forgettable otherwise.

Yeah but while you're doing something else, you find something else... and the never ending cycle continues.

Jesus you have written a book here.

That machine was walking like like he doesn't give a fuck!

How is everyone reading that tiny text?

I have that same feeling. I want a zombie film that focuses more on survival like The Road did. And I want a little more detail on who/what/why/how the zombie apocalypse started. And it better not have an open ending. I demand a proper conclusion!

Thanks for clarifying. I had no idea that hundred = 100...

I third this.


Now that's a commercial!

Except for the PS3 and Xbox which are more relevant. I'd even say the Wii, DS, PSP, PS2, and 3DS are all more relevant. PC gaming is awesome though. Just irrelevant.

Lol man that's funny. I love asains when they're fired up and speaking engrish.

"In the West at least, this helped the game - along with the relative rarity and cost of Neo Geo units - remain, at least outside the hardcore Neo Geo/fighting game communities, an obscurity."

You're right, American comedians are pretty funny.

I do.

puff puff pass

Yeah yeah, we all know Microsoft paid you to say all that.

lol touché