
What's it like to be the highest person in the world?

So there's a 3G model and another model with 3G. Got it!

GTA4 + Zombies = perfect zombie game

If I had a billion dollars I'd give it all to a group of scientists and say cure MJF. I want Back to the Futur 4 damn't!

You'll start out with this simple lil sound bar, but soon you'll be looking for stronger more potent sound. Eventually you'll be giving hand jobs for sub woofers behind Wal-Mart.

Must need more time to program in all the preteen school girl upskirts and tentacles.

Same here.

The NPC character models mostly look horrible, but everything else looks good. It's really a minor flaw considering the scope of the game. If you liked Fallout or Mass Effect you should still get this game.

Tailgating sucks? What's wrong with drinking and grilling with friends while getting rowdy for the home team!? I guess you don't come to a tech blog to find sports fans or people with tans.

I saw this on reddit first, so I guess that makes me cooler than everyone who didn't. Not sure why it's a big deal that Kotaku (or any Gawker media site) occasionally finds a story there. I think a lot of people look at Kotaku and expect cutting edge journalism, but it's just a friggin blog. I know some blogs are

After I take a vacation it may take an hour for Outlook to load all my e-mails. And while it's loading my computer can't do anything. Not sure why a simple e-mail program has to be so bloated.

Whatever. I ignore 99% of DLC anyway. 60 bucks is enough to pay for a game.


Ummm are we looking at the same thing here? Those screen shots are extremely average looking. Far from very very pretty.

As far as GIFs go these are some of the most boring ones I've seen.

That's pretty much what I made my first character when I played Morrowind. My character in Skyrim will be pretty much like that too. Probably going to pick a different race though.


If this impresses you Uncharted on the PS Vita will make your head explode.

Not sure why it's so unbelievable... stupid autocorrects happens to me all the time.

Huh? I rent cars every week and I have yet to meet a USB port that doesn't charge my iPhone. However, I have seen devices that charge old ipods but not new ones due to the firwire/USB switch. They don't have USB ports though.