
They can make this now, but years ago they couldn't make a PS1 memory card that didn't randomly erase my saves... I'm still bitter.

@Al Alexon: Are you Japanese or Taiwanese?

@all_in_wonder: talk about putting the buggy before the horse.

Graphics for this game haven't impressed me in a long time. Maybe I'm asking too much, but the last couple Tigers have looked mediocre and generic.

I loved comics when I was a kid. However, I can't stand them now because comic books don't tell stories. You have to read a series to be told a story. I've recently downloaded and read a few comics using the Marvel app and realized how little story progression happens in a single book. Reading a single comic book

I get it, but I don't get it...

@macpatrik: I think we'll see tablet computers replace laptops in the market. There's plenty of room for options.

@adam483t: Yeah I didn't get one cus I thought they were cheap crap that would break on me... lol. I'd say that's ironic, but anytime someone on the internet uses that word people debate for hours what the definition of irony is.

I used to keep all my games, but my PS3 broke.. twice. And I lost all my game saves... twice. I had about 20 games, and started traded them in after loosing all my saves.

@danyvatt: So I'm not the only one.

@OneColdMonkey: now days phones have more processing power then the computers we grew up with.

I'm assuming China ripped off Kinect before Asus. I don't have any evidence to support my theory, but I'm probably right.

@BaconXBits: I will ignore it until it is relevant.

@Yeah!: For real...

If you're dumb enough to believe that these bracelets worked as advertised then you don't deserve to get your money back.