
I'm confused on how pushing a wooden sedge through mud requires "extreme skill."

Microsoft's Windows running on a PS3! This is madness!!

@Horusz: Ha whatever. I've had 3 iPods break on me to no fault of my own. It's like they're designed to break in 1 year... must be why they release a new version every year.

This must be impressive for anyone who hasn't heard of Girl Talk.

Sounds like his breakfast was poisoned.

I think it's funny when I see someone get upset over the fact they added CGI to the old movies. Like it's impossible to watch your old tapes on a VCR now... People just look for reasons to get upset when anybody does anything with the Star Wars IP.

@DancinDatsyuk: I've been trying to put music on my iPhone for a couple of days. I keep giving up because itunes keeps crashing or giving me an error after an hour of syncing!! iTunes is so unstable on my Windows system I could scream.

Has it learned to drive 5 mph under the speed limit and waste all day at the register writing a check and organizing coupons?

And here is the world's least legible picture...

@rorkimaru: In the sweet cut scenes there's no cheesy explosions every time someone lands a punch.

@Neb: I juggled all day in Tekken 3. Eddie Gordo FTW!

Do we really still need the cheep little explosion effects every time someone gets punched or kicked in the shin? The game would look better without the PS1 special effects.

@Wolfstone is informative: I don't mean to sound snark (whatever that means). They must have wanted free technical support because that's what I do for a living now.

@Patch: The sooner we go back to the gold standard and elect Ron Paul president, the sooner we can reduce the effect of inflation on gold dealers like Goldline...

@initZero: Every step had one or two illustrations. And it started with "Turn on the computer."