
@jstratton55: Yeah, but it's just pulling a few milliamps when left plugged in. Extremely negligible.

My dad wanted to know how to copy and paste files to a USB drive, so I wrote a 3 page document for my father titled "The 100% idiot proof guide to copying and pasting." It was full of detailed descriptions and visual illustrations... Unfortunately, my dumb ass dad still didn't get it...

I've done this before and it works. I was actually planning on canceling my cable when they offered me a good deal, so I stayed. It only lasted 6 months though.

One would think the Chinese are a people who severely lack creativity and imagination due to the fact that they blatantly rip-off everything. A suppressive government must do that people.

I loved this game, but I don't F with on-screen buttons/d-pad.

Watch video for 10 seconds and spend the next minute buffering. Repeat process for 30 minutes until the video ends. Have a nice day.

@Repliforce: f2p is fine with me. It allows someone like myself to enjoy the game, but it also lets someone who doesn't mind blowing the money enjoy the game further. I may have a disadvantage in pvp, but if it bothers me that much I have the choice of paying for better gear or quitting.

@kneegrow: Yeah, but I don't care if it's an MMORPGOMFGROFLMFAO! I'm not paying 180 dollars a year for it.

15 dollars a month is still way too much. I'm not the type of person to play just one game all year, so I'd rather use that money to buy games I can play for free for as long as I f'n want. How is such a high monthly fee justified? Why don't more gamers question this?

You want to know the secret to lifelike faces? Play a Fallout or Oblivion game and do the exact opposite...

Putting music on your mp3 device should not be this messy. iTunes has made everyone except the fact that managing music is supposed to be pain. Unless you buy all your music through iTunes then its cake. If I had a dollar every time I heard someone bitch about accidentally erasing their iPod. I hate itunes so

@hostile-17: What else do you call a powerpoint presentation? A slide show presentation just sounds stupid.

@hostile-17: it probably means it was made using only Google Docs and no extra software...

@Arbron: Send our white blood cells home!!

Facebook integration is ruining the Internet and facebook.

@MaNiFeX: let the photoshopping begin!