
@jaz350z: oh... well I feel a little dumb now

Do videos take 10 times longer to load on Kotaku, or is it just me?

I hate Apple...

@Waspo: If this were facebook, I would be clicking the 'like' button.

@COOP: I guess whomever made this chart only likes 3 colors.

@JimAtKSF: What does that have to do with this article?

Maybe if they let the WWE keep their name I'd give a damn.

Those PS3s with the white top look sick! They need to sell those.

@drmartintsai: he said they touched up the eyes after the etching.

@lostarchitect: Watching Inception felt like sitting in class.

@Piata: I'm with you. How do so many people justify paying $180 a year to play a single game. I know WoW is fun, but it's also a massive rip off IMO.

Why do videos take so long to load from this website???

@Habboi: I'm right there with ya. I was playing Fallout 3 on my PS3 when all of a sudden I got the YLOD.

@Habboi: Me too. That engine was outdated 3 years ago.

@fronsac: Is there a better looking game on the iPhone? The point isn't that is just looks good. The point is it looks good for a phone game.

@fronsac: It's on a phone dude...