
I live in Arkansas. You should see the amount of bird crap on my truck...

@Microxified: It seems microtransactions are becoming the model for everything.

@EllipticSmile: I've played about that much and have had 5 game freezes and can't use companions because they've all gliched and won't move. The game is fun, but nobody is exaggerating how buggy it is.

@LoganR: Yeah what is that thing!?

@icemanforever: I'm kidding, but they might as well be illegal because nobody uses them. Pregnant women as far as the eye can see.

@woodicw: As a resident of Arkansas I can verify that this statement is 100% true.

Now they're going to start jumping for fun.

Gamers are worse than old people when it comes to change. Like the old Dante was that great any way. Remember how cheesy/gay he was at times? I'm keeping an open mind to this reboot.

@showbiz2: A printer that prints bacon!? This would end all of the world's wars.

@BoscoH: I bet you think Star Wars was a true story.

You can tell they didn't put a lot of money in this, and thank god because it looks horrible.

Fuck Madden!... does anyone think I'm cool yet?

@paperless: Someone says that on every article I read here. People are so smug here.

While were at it, lets mandate that cell phone manufacturers use vacuum tubes instead of transistors.

@Josh: Wronger