
Mitsubishi Outlander buyer’s giude:

1000$ maximum if engine works good.

Thea beuty of capitalism is that is wraps abuse and censorship with a nice and shiny layer of shitty “contracts”.
You become the slave of someone and lose your freedom of speech, because they sponsor you.
Well isn’t this nice.
Hypocrisy at it’s best, when advertising freedom but it is actually the same chains and

Finally! FINALLY!
They fixed this bloody car.
That front bumper from hell was removed. Who the Duck drew that front end was drugged and the person that gave it a green light to production form was sharing the drugs.

I’ve been searching for this concept for a lot of years now, and that Ducking google did not ever present this any time. Tried all concepts prototype. blue motherDucking mercedes prototype and searched all databases and could never find it. I rememver it from when it was launched and wanted to visit the memory again

One wish for a genie in the lamp....simply make all these greedy inferior monkeys that plague the earth for their own little profit simply vanish...Like POOF. And leave behind a gore image with their exploded bodies as a lesson to future generations, that might manage to spawn inferior greedy monkeys.

Looks better than the infiniti by a lot...better integration of design elements in that front section

Mr Ricky can keep his outadet vision to himself

Looking from the other angles, it still looks disproportionate as hell. They got this wrong.

What hydrogen revolution?! This is the worst thing yet....They have electric tech, instead of wasting money into this kind of non-sense and manufacturers wasting even more to develop this sh*t tech, instead pour all those tens of millions, hundreds of millions into lab research to develop gel-packs and other amazing

Really?! Does anyone fall for these things?!
They should have all their rights and liberties revoked as they do not posses the minimum intelctual ability to make a good decision.
Their entire life should be managed by a caretaker.
They definitelly should not have the right to vote. They are a danger to society with

Well, this is even better for an vintage look. Electric cars were first, then put aside by the yet undeveloped tech, and by the time Nikola Tesla was invending amazing stuff, the oil industry had grown so large, that the dinosaur covered all up the little electric mammal.
This trike is even better like this. In fact

Something like this would be actually a good thing for a lot of old cars with obsolete engine tech. Taking into account you don’t want to tune their old dinosaur style v8 engines and get them to 500 horses, but drive them stock-ish.
Install a >1.5liter modern turboed engine, that packs more punch than that old

Thieves all over the world thank you for this very helpful video

If the game at the moment offers a limited experience, it is only natural that developers pump up work and offer a lot more for all their customers. Without the shitty DLC strategy invented by greedy developers.
If they are willing to do that, then it’s ok.
If not, money back.

not for manufacturers...for cars on the road..they will have a shock when they find out most will fail..because they are built like that...good for the numbers when unused...but after you use it, they will be horror...the turbodiesel engines, because the petrol ones don’t do that...
Not to mention A LOT of owners will

lets enjoy world war 3...clone war...ehm i mean drone wars

Looks meh
It’s like a Fiat 500 version, and has no actual connection to current vw design language and re-interpretation of the old design.

It’s nothing special. manual wagon is the worst thing ever. It’s a minivan flatened.
And RWD is nothing not worthy.

350$ if it is in good working condition without any major problems to the body or anything else...but 3500...lol, you’d have to be retarded to pay that sum for this crap..it’s a people mover...
Imagine yourself in 20 odd years saying..buy 2015 corolla..it is an amazing car...and stuff like that