gets a racy color, and looks like s*it with it
gets a racy color, and looks like s*it with it
Neah, this is just a show of strength for the upcoming space age. Blowing up an asteroid is to see how capable they are at dealing with this.
But 2036 is far, far, faaaar away. Unless there is an immortal ruler there, that has all the time in the world to stay behind the curtains and dictate where things are going,…
There is a level after which is just a waste. This case proves just that. Robbing people so you can have your racing team?! Or buying a luxury whatever.
Nope, that’s just a justification of a inferior.
But the mention of wikipedia regarding my message means that your mind is darker than a black hole and you have no…
Yes, good for you...showing why your level is where it is.
Ideas not people. When and if you raise your head out of the pool, you will understand what it means. :)
Thank you for your attention.
Great that you did not read my message to skip over the “modern form” mention.
If we are to trace roots and history we could blame the inventors of the bank notes and even back with the first concepts of money (or using something common agreed of value) instead of direct trade between goods.
More exaclty, corporatism…
No, but as the birthplace of capitalism, it is the logical place to start. Capitalism is nothing but a fancy word to greed.
Maximization of profits is the rule of thumb .
Higher profits means less actual content per dollar paid for it, aka, a hoax, scam, con, abuse....greed.
Birthplace of greed (modern form of it- while…
Sadly this is capitalism. In this case is regulated, but in the majority of the other situations, it is not. Entrepreneurs are allowed to practice whatever they consider (look at the aids medicine guy).
It is very good to leave room ofr entrepreneurs and ideas, but getting rich over night is clearly not leading to a…
Very good.
Smash these bastards into the ground...but what about the 20 years tey abused millions of people? What about those victims?
Instead of confiscating the goods, the feds should sell these and compensate the victims.
What if a large portion of them, without the huge weight of that short them abusive interest…
You should go in places where there is less to none existing such feelings towards blacks. Event the word blacks has just a conotation of normal difference you see like my dog is brown and yours is beige.
Northen Europe, eastern europe, russia ... Even though the skin is white, there is little in common with the rest…
And this is why you should always listen to another guy here that flips cars, probably conning a lot of people, and buy some amazing sounding and rare used cars with no warranty (or even worse, as a pile of scrap metal), instead of a new less awe inspiring, but new vehicles.
Used cars don’t have any problems, they work…
dickhead peeking between seats... ^_^ literarly
This weapon would be so good if it had the theoretical abilities. Without knowing that those abilities are manipulated as well by the corrupted mind that ultimatelly decides if a person is criminal or not.
So in the end the same corrupt system we have nowadays with corrupt people in high places deciding for their own…
“our economy”, lol
This is why the ducation is not funded to keep people simple, like .this.
Just like the fish, Hook line and sinker, you’re sold out without thinking 2 steps ahead.
Hot hatch version in the wrold of 4x4
Maybe then should ban those huge cargo ships and airplanes..
Those are the huge factors that create bad environment, a lot more than all the cars combined.
Yeah it would put a stop to global commerce, but so will they stop the greenhouse effect.
You can’t have win-win, uless those will use clean energy.
Why don’t they…
Yeah, for that price they can keep it.
Well, they didn’t bother to take the money and make huge profit margins, but now they are hiding when it comes to compensate.
Some years ago, they were making such obnoxious profit margins , while spending hundrends of millions on whatever they could spend on (from your garde variety WRC, to Lemans prototypes,…
omg, those vertical wings ... it’s one step away from tie-fighters
This kind of tech in a Mayback or Bentley or similar heavy luxury sedan is nothing in terms of weight gain ercentage and also was supperior, and not expensive...When you charge 200-300k it is not a problem that your profit margins are a little lower, but bringing in all the new tech on the playfield.
Or you can do it…