
Terry Crews is just the best.

Men: Ugh you can’t even say hi to a woman in the workplace anymore without her crying about sexual harassment

yeah. i’m having a hard time with why people are trying so hard to gin up outrage that someone who no doubt paid to be there for advertising purposes was advertising.

It feels like a show that would be aired at the Capital in Hunger Games.

This is a group, the HPFA, that’s essentially been caught selling awards in the past, “cheapened” is kinda their thang.

JESUS CHRIST! She has so much restraint for not punching their lights out. Her publicist should have said something to these pricks along the lines of ‘what the fuck is wrong with you?’

Everyone should be mad at Fiji. It is a terrible and reckless company that wastes massive amounts of fuel transporting insane quantities of plastic between the US and Fiji just so they can have their “bottled in Fiji” selling point. Meanwhile there’s somewhere in the neighborhood of 60% of all people living in Fiji

When I first saw it I thought, “Ha, this girl made sure she was seen,” then later thought, “Ugh, okay Fiji, we get it, you wanted this to go viral” - THEN I saw that there were maybe four other Fiji Girls. I think that part was unplanned, the fact that Kelleth went viral precisely because she went out of her way to be

I’ve been working at a coffee bar in a store that serves a lot of celebrities and ridiculously rich people and this sounds like the kind of small talk I have to maneuver my way through far too often. It’s as uncomfortable in real life as this scene makes it look.

It’s such a better look for him 

So if you’re rich and famous you can’t just dislike a person for no reason? That sucks. I’d be a horrible celebrity, there are so many things they aren't allowed to do

Also examine the other patients for evidence of assault. Ask the patients who can communicate what they’ve seen and don’t dismiss it as fabrications or "brain damaged people don't understand what they see". It is unfortunately very likely that this poor woman wasn't the only victim, just the only one who got pregnant.

The fact that the word ‘rape’ isn’t front and center on every news package that reports on this story is maddening.

No, anyone who doesn’t submit shouldn’t be fired, they should be treated as a potential suspect. 

In my life, I’ve gone from speaking English with a heavy French accent, to a Canadian accent, then to a southern British accent, to end up with a slightly Americanized mid-Atlantic accent. It does happen.

When I was growing up, I had a thick Wisconsin accent. Eventually moved away and lost it. But when I’m back there drinking with family (what else is there to do?), uff da does that shit come back.

My friend from (American) High school now has a bit of a British accent, despite moving back to the US after a decade in the UK. She’s not putting it on, it gets thicker when she’s stressed.

Obviously, this is a weirdly intense faux accent. But isn’t this a real thing? I seem to pick up certain people’s inflections, especially if it’s unique, if I hang out with them for a long period of time. I imagine it’s kind of the same with accents?

We always want the bad thing not to be our fault. What’s the first thing people ask when they hear someone has lung cancer? “Did s/he smoke?” And if the answer is yes, you can think, OK, I don’t smoke so lung cancer isn’t in my future - when of course we know that non-smokers can get lung cancer. After Sandy Hook, I

Calm the fuck down, January; we still have a whole year of horror to endure.