Yep. I do work freelance for a bunch of dating sites (not tindr) and if they say “cam work” they are done. And, yeah, if someone reports them for asking for cash that’s a delete (except on the adult sites I work for.)
They probably deleted her for saying she did cam work..
I think I read her book. He goes overboard and she doesn’t find him because she’s unconscious for >24 hours (and doesn’t find out this until she makes landfall and realizes she missed a day). She makes it to Hawaii herself because she made a point of learning to navigate after a previous trip where the captain wasn’t…
Mark Wahlberg dies in the Perfect Storm. That’s a happy movie ending involving a boat.
You mean like “crisis actors” in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting?
Whoever approved that ad should be placed in an overhead bin.
People saying this is partially the dog’s owner fault for complying with this absurd order of flight attendants has certainly not been following the news on what happens to people who doesn’t put up with abusive demands of power tripping air crews.
I would have been super into this as a kid, and I think it can only be a good thing for more little girls to be aware of her.
Taken simply as a doll, it’s beautiful. As a purported representation of Frida Mattel had an opportunity to release a product celebrating a brilliant and incredibly badass woman who was Mexican, disabled, and subverted the feminine beauty standard. Can you imagine, a brown-skinned* doll with an average…
Wait, is this sista Jamaican for real? And you just gave her a bunch of your bodily fluids and hair?
My position on OJ Simpson hasn’t changed in the past 2 decades - it was long overdue for a rich black man to buy justice the way rich white men have done since this country (and its justice system) were created. Guilt or innocence of the defendant doesn’t matter as much as the defendant’s ability to hire a lawyer with…
If someone were to beat the living shit out of this bitch I wouldn’t feel bad about it AT ALL.
I see where Oprah thinks it’s fun, but making the cleaning staff go on an Easter Egg hunt for their tip seems demeaning.
Caitlyn Jenner now believes that Trump has set back transgender rights 20 years.
Sleep No More has been the future of marketing for about 5 years now
So I know this isn’t directly related, but I just visited universal studios with the wife and kids, and we visited all the harry Potter stuff (wife is a huge HP fan). At one point we wandered into Olivanders wand shop, and we were treated to the full on presentation of an actress pulling someone from the crowd and…
Relax, friend. Here...calm down with this delicious Hormel Black Label Bacon.