And still have enough left over for a happy ending.
And still have enough left over for a happy ending.
Yeah, but it’s mostly used on minorities and everyone knows they don’t count as people.
Depends upon their skin tone and religion.
Anna, you’re gonna need to start a “Bigly Time, Big Time Dicks” column.
This is where the libertarian-leaning branch of the Republican party needs to speak up. Civil forfeiture is probably the closest thing we could legally get to “the government is gonna take all my guns!”
So when Trump pisses off Ryan and the impeachment investigation begins can the government take Trump’s hotels?
How can we tolerate someone how actually takes real pleasure in being such a mean person? A Missouri rep was on MSNBC very delicately critiquing Trump’s comments regarding the judge. He said we need to start teaching better civics in fourth grade..HOW ABOUT WE FUCKING START WITH YOUR FUCKING STANDARD BEARER?
To be fair, I tend to blame the Republicans for a lot. Oh, wait, that is because they are assholes. Right.
Whelp, threatening to ruin a political career because you disagree with a policy is like just this side of corruption if i say so myself.
Oh god, will Richard Branson allow all of us to come to that private island so we can go jet skiing with president obama for the next four years?
they are in the process of being systematically destroyed, by executive order, senate confirmation and tweets in the middle of the night.
My personal “favorite” bit of news today concerning our dear Senators was this one over on Politico, where Congressman Reichert told his fellow lilly-livered elected officials:
No, they’ll say public education doesn’t work. They destroyed effective government. Now they say government doesn’t work. They’ll destroy effective education, to say that public education doesn’t work.
How optimistic of you. They’ll blame brown people and, in a stunning display of “logic”, abortion, working moms and “welfare queens” with too many kids...
Of course....for not getting with the program/getting in line/knowing their place (take your pick)
I’ve always found ridiculous and hypocritical that Republicans consider themselves to be the most patriotic yet hold someone who basically committed treason and violated the law of the land to be the best president of this lifetime.
“I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that’s true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.”
What a strange and wholly unconnected set of events!