So… this might be my math professor.
So… this might be my math professor.
I still really like Sin City. I understand why it's quite icky for some (all the offensive stereotypes, Miller turning out be crazy, etc.). But what I so love about it is exactly how completely it commits to a single idea (reproducing a "noir"-ish comic), including all the ridiculousness that comes with it, and…
seriously, it should be in the headline of this article
Thank you for the extensive answer. Cracks seemed potentially interesting, but you sold me so I'll check it out. I have no idea whether I'll like Kaboom but it'll probably interesting at least.
Wait, are you saying Arnold doesn't have charisma???
I love Juno Temple (she was amazing in Killer Joe) but I don't really know what movie I should see next, as most of them don't really look that good. Any recommendations?
The movie reviews on The Dissolve also seemed to be more consistent. Here, it seems that the reception of a movie depends a lot on the reviewer, whereas I think that the writers on The Dissolve seemed to share a larger consensus. And as you say, that's really useful if your taste aligns with them. Although I wouldn't…
I love the idea you can casually hang on the phone with alien lizard men
She was the reason I watched the first season but really, I couldn't be bothered with watching more of the show. I remember something actually happened in the last two episodes or so, but the rest was really boring.
The Community season (series?) finale deserves as mention: it's a perfect encapsulation of the show, and manages to provide satisfying closure. It's also very clever and funny as hell.
mid-sized car
This is a good point, but not in the vaccine debate. Rather, it is an example of how unregulated the cosmetics industry is, and what kind of claims they can make without backing them up.
Ugh, the replies she's been getting at Twitter are toxic. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but it's still sad.
cooking spaghetti
No Flash & Gordon in this version? Shame, because those were really funny.
It's really cheap to do it that way of course. But as the Swedish series showed, the premise is interesting enough on its own already.
Old, but still a badass.
"Every once in a while a supervillain gets antsy"
You're referring to the ending of Scorpia, right? That was quite strong and also in line with the tone of that book, and also brought the story full circle in a way, I guess? Because I also read the book after that one, and it did feel kinda aimless.