
Yeah, the Alex Rider books are quite dark and quite maturely deal with themes such as right and wrong or loyalty.

3 and 4 are good. I'd also add 7.1 because of how well it works outside of Hogwarts and handles the darkness.

Yeah, them just chatting a bit was really getting me pretty hyped, actually. On the other hand, the trailer they posted here pomises lots of badass Jessica Chastain, so they're all good!

And he's also just the most fun to watch of all these action stars

I saw Blade Runner: The Final Cut on a big screen last night. It was quite something.

That screencap remains all kinds of glorious

1. The Americans
2. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
3. Community
4. Agent Carter
5. Brooklyn Nine-Nine

I started Rectify after the last season of The Americans ended as it was recommended by some people in the comment threads here as a show that is similarly based on slow character drama. I recently finished the first season and it was amazing.

Yeah, it's how Better Call Saul, Orphan Black, Penny Dreadful and the like are all "Netflix Originals" in Belgium.

I'd be down for that, actually.

"Virtual Systems Analysis" is devastating

Same here (Belgium). It's probably because of the whole Netflix thing: the previous episodes are one click away + Netfix actively promotes bingeing, which doesn't require "previously on" stuff. Of course, that approach kinda brakes down if you aren't bingeing, which is the case with weekly releases.

The focus on Peralta is fine, he's the lead. But I would like to have an A plot without him sometimes. With such a large (and strong) ensemble, forcing one spot in the A plot to be for Jake by default limits the possibilities of the other characters to shine (and play off each other).

The great thing about Arnold is that he's been quite self-aware for most of his career. At least he gets that most of his movies are just meant to be fun, and he has the sense of humor to actually do something with that notion.

I started Rectify and you're right: it's very good so far (three episodes in).

Jake: (…) and I'm allowed to have light, non-strenuous sex, provided I stretch before and after.
Hitchcock: Nice! (long, awkward staring)

I'll definitely watch it when it airs here

Not "my" Netflix, but I think we have Sundance Channel here in Belgium, so should be able to get it *somewhere*

True Detective will be a different show (how different we don't know yet), so that's a wild card I guess. Hannibal is great, but not at this level (disclaimer: only saw s1). Rectify I haven't seen yet. I saw it's liked a lot here, so I guess I should check out?