
I’m going to dissect this bullshit one bit at a time:

I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

I didn’t know what the hoopla about NFR! was. It had some good songs but I couldn’t listen to the whole thing.

To be fair, that’s what I’d have done.

A lot of the critics who probably would have praised it if it had been a European oddball movie that got a limited run in New York and Los Angeles seemed to get angry when it got awards.

Do you even know who Albert Serra is? You’re assuming this is some sort of straight porno flick or something when it’s closer to something like (and some might even say more transgressive than) Salo. I hated the flick because it’s really tedious to sit through. There is a lot of gay sex too if that makes any sort of

Pasolini would like a word. 

As a forewarning in case you haven’t seen the film yet, I’m not sure if there is a different edit of the film circulating outside of Brazil, but the version I saw here in Brazil puts at least one child in more than “mild peril”.

I am not, but that is where I heard about it. Seemed like a good idea to me, so I did it myself. It’s great.

Aw, now I miss Reposted Wookiepedia, who would be able to tell us about Force Undo (pronounced FOR-che UNN-doh) and his role in the expanded universe.

Weekend is more progressive than anything we’ve seen in the last ten years from international cinema, and Anna wasn’t even in it. 

Yeah, maybe the guy who made Goodfellas, The Age of Innocence, Silence, The Wolf of Wall Street, The Last Temptation of Christ, After Hours, Raging Bull, and Hugo needs work on his range.

“It’s hard to know what’s sadder: that Brooke Nelson has internalized misogyny to the extent that she can see nothing of worth in books beloved by “teen girls” but is presumably impressed with the merits of a book centered around video game culture that is beloved by teenage boy”


Ready Player

All of my favorites are on here, with one exception -

Many good choices, but the omission of Don’t Trust the B--a show that is endlessly rewatchable, clever, and feels less dated than one would expect 6-7 years later--is disappointing.

The nice thing about this debuting on Disney+ is that I won’t have to hear about how Disney’s latest piece of mediocre remake garbage inexplicably made a billion fucking dollars.

Please, what you’ve already seen is a labor of love by an oddball director to adapt a labor of love by an oddball scholar.

According to everyone who has seen it, yes.

Implying that Stan wouldn’t ask why they never invited him and Renee to join in.