
Binge watching puts too large an emphasis on plot, which is problematic if you watch this show "as intended"

It's true that s1 is a lot faster than the subsequent seasons, but I suppose it's part of the plan (that is, it's how it worked for me): you start out with focus on the exciting spy stuff, with the FBI on their heels. Meanwhile, the characters and family stuff are developed. Later (a) the focus can shift more to the

I know it's way too early to say this, but I can't imagine there's going to be something to make me change my mind so:

Plot is important, but definitely not what make The Americans so great. To properly absorb the tension, themes, and characters you need some time between episodes, whereas bingeing blurs all these a bit. Sure, it allows you to move more quickly through the plot, but you miss out on some of the greatness of how it is

close (geographically speaking): Belgium

Where I live, Netflix has secured the streaming rights and makes all new episodes available the day after they aired in the US. So I can actually legally watch this in semi-realtime with you guys. I'm sure you're all very excited about this!

Yeah, that Late Show arc is incredible. They're airing season 3 where I live now, and it's my first introduction to the show. But really, I think that Louie isn't really tv show, but collection of short films, squashed into a tv-like format.

Seems I managed to stay caught up with the reviews here for about 30 minutes. Damn you, real life!

Take Shelter is a classic already

Lucy is imo a weirder one because of its sheer randomness. Black Swan is fucked up, but actually tells a very good story. Lucy is just trippin' balls crazy, nothing else.

There's nothing wrong with adding recent films to this list (no film on this list is older than five years), The Dissolve had plenty on theirs. I definitely prefer Interstellar to Inception: it's arguably even more ambitious, but also feels more elegant. The plot is much more streamlined, and there's much less

Very pleased with The Skin I Live In being on this list. It features one of Banderas' best performances and works great as both a horror film, and as a drama.

Hell yes, what an amazing film.

I just watched that Louie episode yesterday. It was amazing, especially because I didn't know anything about it when going in.

Don't know whether anyone has mentioned it already, but Todd VDW has posted an interesting analysis of this episode: http://www.vox.com/2015/4/2…

Well, Liz is working the Northrop lady (I forgot her name), so I guess she'll play a role in it.

They really struck gold with both children. But Taylor has been given increasingly though material over the course of the series, and she keeps pulling it off.

So what's up with the timeline of the Nina story? I think it's reasonable to assume that all the things in the US (Phill & Liz, the FBI, the Rezidentura) happen simultaneously as depicted on the show, but I feel Nina's story runs differently. That makes me wonder whether there's a connection between her scenes in this

Even stranger, people complaining that nothing happens on this show.

I love how they framed parts of that scene. Also, Phillips non-verbal reaction to the Pastor's words was amazing/horrifying.