
Henry always manages to be unknowingly inappropriate after some Big Event with Paige (see: talking about sore jaws in "Comrades", or when Paster Tim or Stan came to dinner this season).

I already thought during the first season that both Jennings children were played by remarkably good actors. But it has become clearer and clearer that they really struck gold with both of them, especially with Holly Taylor. She's been very good all season, but now she took it to yet another level.

Oh sure. I never agreed with the comments that Chang was irritating (although they were understandable). He was mostly great throughout the series. The whole bear down/fat dog joke was genius (I still laugh when I think about it).

I don't know whether she's the best actor, but she definitely manages to pull all the attention towards Annie everytime she's on screen (even when she isn't saying anything). She kinda chews the scenery all the time, which isn't always a good thing, but the Annie character has been consistently great since s5, and she

This is the episode that really demonstrates what Community can do in an extended run time. All the plots felt really well-developed and had room to breathe, resonate emotionally, and provide plenty of laughs. It was amazing.

They aren't that large in the show, it's only Gregory.

3 seasons? So that means I'll start really loving it by the end of 2016 or so, based on my viewing rate. I'll probably start when S3 of The Americans finishes, then I'm ready for another layered drama.

That's the way I feel about The Americans. I adore that show, but it's always difficult to bring myself to watching it.

It's Lars Mikkelsen, Mads' brother. Playing creeps is a family business. But I agree, he could've been much better with some better writing.

"Troll the Respawn, Jeremy", on the other hand….

The drunk bananas (?) are pretty fun though

Everyone looked so happy!

I liked Annie's cheerful nod after Frankie saying Chang is unstable. "Yeah sure, we know, but it's our crazy guy"

"You are wearing your Greendale shirt!"

I loved Jeff's robotic voice-over to the text messages, he sounded like text-to-speech software. The contrast to Pelton's passionate line readings was awesome.

Virtual Systems Analysis is near-perfect. It's totally insane, but the way it leads up to the Annie/Abed conversation in the locker is brilliant. That exchange hit home so incredibly close for me.

but the getting caught thing isn't really a big part of the show. Sure, it's there, but the show is mainly about how lives (on both sides of the mental Iron Curtain) are slowly falling apart due to what happens on the show. The thriller aspect is really only important in some individual scenes, are parts of episodes,

well, Chang does a Gollum impression in the S2 premiere, so…

So, has Jessica Brown Findlay acually been in something good recently? She was great in Black Mirror and fun in her first Misfits episode. But all her other projects don't seem that interesting to me. It's a shame, because I really like her.

Musically speaking, there's something to say for that