
The Americans is the show I turn to if I want the comforting knowledge that, whatever will happen, I won't be disappointed. Also, it's so intense that it doesn't invite binge viewing, which makes it even easier to save it for a quiet moment.

yes, it's very stupid, but just rolls with it and tries to have fun

If Allegiance didn't have an Arkady, it was a lost cause anyway

Crazy thought: would the Penny/Leonard chemistry improve if they replaced this Leonard with Community's Leonard?

Belgium. Flanders specifically.

Oh, you replied here too. I appreciate it. Sure, I understand. It's just that I think it's unfortunate for Yahoo that they couldn't get a better deal.

I am well aware of that, but then I wonder why an online distributor gets itself in that kind of trouble. Let's bring up Netflix again: they make sure all their original content is available everywhere they operate? Other stuff depends on the country of course, but it seems pretty smart that stuff you advertise as

You are all individuals!

Yeah, I mean, do they even want the views and ad revenues on their own platform? Probably there's some other legal thing going on here, but I'd like to know what, because this really seems like a missed business opportunity.

but does AMC operate outside of the US at all?

I was really optimistic about it all at first: streaming was gonna be completely free, and I was able to see some teaser stuff on the Yahoo Screen site, and the future looked bright.

I hope you're back to smiling constantly


They clearly aren't though: Holt is so obviously the funny one.

They have a supply of cars to be used for spywork, I suppose. They're definitely not using their own cars.

Exactly, I watched s1 and s2 way after the time they aired (not living in the US and all; a local sation aired it), but I never tried to binge it because of how exhausting it is.

I do wonder how it plays out for Arkady, though, as he implied that it was is obligation to sign. But maybe the whole thing was just a game between Oleg and his father, and no "real" order.

Doesn't she first tase him? I think it's like this:


Well, she's also terrifying in The Americans. (Heck, her character fought behind enemy lines in Stalingrad.)