Seriously, Bridget Regan is nailing the "crazy brainwashed killer" vibe. Ever since the "Is that pistol an automatic? I. Want. That." in ep4 she's been amazing in the show.
Seriously, Bridget Regan is nailing the "crazy brainwashed killer" vibe. Ever since the "Is that pistol an automatic? I. Want. That." in ep4 she's been amazing in the show.
Yes, I'd say that scene where Dottie cuffs herself was the most shocking part of the whole episode - and this is an episode that features little girls killing each other. (Now, actually, Dottie's behaviour also reinforces the horrors we saw earlier, in the sense that we see just how damaging the whole " training"…
Remaking Loft is just a bad idea in general: reverse-engineering in what seems to be a run-of-the-mill Hollywood triller is just a bad idea. Something more original like De Zaak Alzheimer would've been a more interesting candidate for an American remake.
A review here in Belgium pointed out that the original is something of a local "homage" or translation of a particular kind of Holywood movie, which makes translating THAT back to an actual Hollywood movie really weird.
Contrary to the review here, I really liked The Drop: it had the strong parts of Bullhead (which was rated very good here) such as performance and atmosphere and combined it with an actual plot.
I'm counting on a redemption arc of sorts for Stan: the Martha angle could be one of the ways he gets closer to P&E
There's also "Chekhov's dream", meaning Stan's dream sequence in which Martha steals documents from the mail robot (that thing will be in this season, right?). So Stan subconsciously knows Martha is a mole, which suggests Stan will find out consciously, too.
For the past weeks, I've been slowly working my way through Fargo, saw "Buridan's Ass" yesterday. What a brilliant series.
Loved that they made up a new award for Jessica Chastain to win. Especially since her acceptance speech showed that she actually *is* the MVP of 2014.
Vlaams Belang has been crushed in three successive elections
This superhero, she's got a heartbreaking decision to make about whether her best friend lives … or dies.
well, they actually did miss him
Can't blame him: wanting to run a bowling alley with Terry sounds like a plausible idea
"Can I tell you something about Martin Ormankupp? On our second day as partners, Martin Ormankupp was kicked in the crotch by a police horse."
- "Not what I was expecting you to say"
Try his wife's name, Sharon
- No
- No
- No
- No
This is stupid
That would be more like a Hitchcock thing to ask, I think. It's even better than acknowledging his existence and not ridiculing him at the same time.
thirtysomething men cooking pasta
it's not even an elitist thing to say, just a dumb one: the recorder is one of your go-to instruments for all things Renaissance or Baroque, and thus an integral part of our music tradition. (spoiler: my mom is recorder professor)
I think that from the S1 Halloween EP, Amy started to become a great character, with "The Party" the high point of season, as it embraced just how goofy she actually is. That's a very statisfying development, as we started out with her being the obvious killjoy. Part of the greatness of this season is exactly the…