
“For an additional $756, guests will also be given ‘blasters’ crudely carved out of wood. They will be required to make their own ‘pew-pew’ sounds.”

Fair enough, my main point it that Astronauts are typically highly skilled professionals that have trained years for their mission...Scientists, Teachers, Retired Air Force Pilots. Wally Funk was most qualified, I just feel like calling billionaires / sons of billionaires who had the money to buy their way to space is

You made me realize... a flight attendant has more training than Bezos.


In an ideal world, a cis person or trans person could play any role. But that is not the world we live in. In our world a cis person can play a trans role but a trans person cannot play a cis role. Honestly, I can’t think of a single time a trans person has played a cis person (I’m sure if you look hard enough, there

Releasing movies in theaters and streaming at the same time is also cheaper from a marketing perspective, the studios only have to pay for one campaign instead of two 90 days apart.

Wow, AMC has really, really unrealistic hopes for the vaccine. It’s great and all, but 2021 is still already pretty much shot. It’s going to take months to get everyone vaccinated.

I think movie theaters need to adapt and change. Stagnation leads to death. How exactly should they change? Fuck if I know. They don’t pay me to fix their shit so I’m not gonna waste time contemplating it.

Has anyone ever gotten the free refill?  I want to see that person.

I am playing the world’s smallest violin for AMC.

When you’ve rested on a business model forever consisting singularly on the concept of “we have the movie you want to see now, but you can only do it in a place with grossly inflated food and ticket prices, and a dark room full of assholes who won’t shut up” I guess you can’t be too pissed when you didn’t even think

No sympathy, given they

Partnering with Broadway/West End theaters and production companies would be a start. Regal has been partnered with The MET for years now distributing opera and ballet performances nationally. It is great for people who would otherwise never have the chance to get to see these performances live.

I “love” the entitled gaslighting of “well I guess they just don’t want any profits” as if releasing movies to theaters where they die because of the pandemic is profitable. They’re allowing theaters to have the films, and they’re driving profits safely through streaming subscriptions too. The theaters sadly should

AMC wants us to get covid and not have nice things.

AMC can get bent. Their moviegoing experience has been awful for years.

Bye AMC. No one cares. It costs me about .5c to make popcorn @ home.

Ironically, AMC might have already stumbled onto what they should do: rent out movie theaters. Some AMC locations did it to some extent before the pandemic but you had to call ahead and it was pricey. But now, what better way to celebrate with a group of friends than just reserving a screen online and picking the

I think movie theaters need to adapt and change. Stagnation leads to death. How exactly should they change? Fuck if I know. They don’t pay me to fix their shit so I’m not gonna waste time contemplating it.

My wife’s office just announced they’re not going back to the office until at least April while my office announced the company is working from home indefinitely.