
It’s very hard to be less interesting than Joe Biden in my opinion. 

So what, did Biden agree to make Jake Tapper’s lunch for a year as long as they fix the drawing so he didn’t have debate Warren for a little while longer? Because all I just heard was this:

I feel like these are akin to the people that went to Fugazi shows hoping to get yelled at for their dickish behavior.

As I read this I could literally see him dictating it to his assistant: pacing behind his desk looking smug as hell, completely confident that each of these points are just brilliant.

I responded to this with what can only be described as cackling.

I imagine Mulvaney is on tweet printing duty for some reason. 

I imagine this being like the Nathan’s hot dog eating contest: horrifying and intriguing in equal turns.

Obviously, nobody should ever stop talking about this. Ever. For any reason.

I doubt you glean this information when you grow up the fox news, faux-country girl, Blair Waldorf of Arizona. 

I have no appropriate way to respond to this. I think I finally got either a girlfriend, or a full length mirror and finally said, “what the fuuuuucckkkk?”

This is terrifying, I thought for sure I was just making a terrible jab at my own teenage skateboarder sartorial choices. Seriously, those back pockets were horrible, you couldn’t get anything out that fell to the bottom. Also, I looked like an absolute clown. My mom was right.

Are JNCO jeans finally back in style?

I agree, I highly doubt that Ainsley was scrambling to make rent with only her serving gig to get by.

I’m sure even they realize Mike Pence has the charisma of a sack of loose hair swept up of the floor of a barber shop. Even for the people that like him and agree with him.

I know this is incredibly petty, but isn’t Jordan’s refusal to wear a jacket technically a violation of the house’s insanely strict dress code? I'm Hailey sure they can bar people from scanning into the floor at all for even minor violations, they should do this every single fucking day. Why should one side have all

Personally, if we’re going biblical, I like to think of Trump as an epic pulling of the rug out from under the Christians that God tired of. They saw what was doing in their name, and figuring themselves boxed in by that compact via rainbow after the flood, decided to see just how far they’d really go given the right

He’d finally get what he wanted, everyone would have to compare him to a King.