Tymon Zajączkowski

I dunno what Gen. Odierno is talking about. The fact that Russia uses a different gauge has been a very well known fact for a very long time. Hell, I think they make reference to it in a late 1980s/early 1990s Tom Clancy movie. Maybe I’m thinking of something else, but different rail gauges has been something the DoD


Me too man. Every time I think about that aircraft I’m amazed that even in today’s age of cameras, technology, and douchebag “whistle blowers” that they’ve still managed to keep that thing completely secret. Makes you wonder where our technology really is, and what else the government have been able to keep hidden.

Looking forward to the “Holy Hell, Twitch Actually Beat Dark Souls” article in Kotaku soon. Accompanied with Luke’s assertion that such a feat is amazing.

You wrote that post in such a depreciating and derogatory way towards the MiG, which was merely a prototype for a highly advanced, state of-the-art (and possibly stealth) combat aircraft at the time when Soviets gave their defense budget a priority over everything else.

I’m sorry, but that is a pretty wrong and uninformed post.

All Aspect Stealth? So the F-35 doesn’t qualify?

Whelp... never going to see my friends again now.

Michael, I am disappointed that you disparagingly put Armenia, India, and Kazakhstan on the list of (sarcastically) “glorious tank warfare nations”. First of all, the tiny country of Armenia and the ethnic Armenian separatists in the Kababakh region of Azerbaijan have been locked in a bitter conflict with Azerbaijan

Bear with me:

If there is overwhelming evidence - then post it. OH WAIT YOU CAN’T CUZ UR FULL OF SHIT

What the game released in doesn’t fucking matter, you twit. Artistic vision matters more than that. Just because the world at large is diverse doesn’t mean the fucking game has to be. Forced diversity for the sake of it is retarded.

You are one of the biggest bigots ever to open their mouth and post something.

Yeah, but this is Poland, which is 97-98% white. Now, I’m not an expert on Polish history, so please correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think the medieval Polish would have seen any people of color, aside from the Mongolians. In fact, even today, a few Polish still probably haven’t seen any people of colour outside

You get out of here with that Tumblr educated level of knowledge. There were barely any colored people in Europe in the middle ages. You idiots act like they were just all over the place in equal numbers to white people. That’s far from the case. And those that were there, such as the Moors, were highly isolated to

Slavic myths (on which this setting is based the most) certainly did not include black people, and atributing it to simple whitewashing of history is ridiculous. And I’ve never argued about the lack of mentions of POC in ALL of Europan folklore. You certainly didn;t see a lot of Moorish knights in medieval Poland or

You have no idea what you’re talking about. That you’re referencing something that happened in England to make a point about Poland underscores that pretty substantially.

When the game got over, I felt like I had been playing an amazing saga for years!
I kind of had thoughts of retiring from gaming and doing better with my life. I’ve never been this satisfied from a game in my life! I literally called my girlfriend and told her how amazing the last few weeks had been and what a

This is just the beginning. wait until Twitch plays dark souls.