This reminds me, I think it was the writer for Black Ops 1, who later told in an interview that he believes the USA should put covert military agents in schools to promote the army.
This reminds me, I think it was the writer for Black Ops 1, who later told in an interview that he believes the USA should put covert military agents in schools to promote the army.
I apologize beforehand for talking politics here but this can’t be allowed to grow any more with ill timed poorly researched games like this one.
Didn’t take long for the dipshits to appear complaining about this article being “political” when it’s commenting on a game that is deliberately portraying cold war politics for fun.
Workers everywhere toil daily for a pittance. Many work multiple jobs just to make ends meet. But no matter how hard they work, it’ll never be enough to be free. For those who do not own the means of production will never know real freedom. People peacefully protested but were met with violence. Those who own for a…
No, you are referencing another discussion around the Witcher. Which is also silly. As long as The Witcher is The Witcher it WILL be based on European themes. Which is really cool. I can count games that are based on Slavic Mythology* on fingers of one hand, and 3 of those games will have the Witcher in it’s name.…
No, a half-marathon is NOT “more than four times longer than” a 5K. It is more than four times AS LONG AS a 5K. In order for it to be four times longer than a 5K, it would need to be the length of one 5K plus an additional four times the length of one 5K, in other words 1x5K+4x5K, or 25K total, which it isn’t.
What’s amazing is that such an elegant design concept is so obvious in hindsight, like, duh, TIE fighters should have ALWAYS been able to do that from the beginning, rather than the weird rack thingies.
The good old fashion “Don’t talk shit unless you can do better yourself” logic. Never really got that frame of mind to be honest.
They should remaster Black and release a sequel.
Those were the earliest T-72 versions, from back in the time when T-72 was specifically designed to be cheaper and less technologically advanced than T-64. It wasn't until 1980s that T-72 variants were brought in line with the latest standards when it was realized that T-80 was too expensive. Of course, I am not…
No reason not to believe it. It could be that since the Yasen Class is very expensive, the Alfas may be the most cost effective route. They are not the most silent subs by any means, but can compensate for that with speed and diving depth.
Actually.... surprisingly the U.S. had very little to do with what happened in Ukraine, the country was stabilizing and going through a brief period of internal strife, then the russians invaded Crimea and it went all to shit. Here’s the full writeup on the timeline of events. first line is approximately november ish…
The only time large numbers of US tanks and Russian tanks have ever met in combat, it did not go well for the T-72s. During the Battle of 73 Easting, US forces lost 1 tank while Iraqi RG forces lost 85.
Stop lying to yourself and others! I will tell you as a Ukrainian it wasnt like that at all. The government was overthrown because Yanukovich suddenly refused to sign association agreement with EU. Completely nothing to do with NATO. Like absolutely nothing. NATO doesnt invite anyone, you have to apply to join. If you…
Ok, fair enough. So, how should the US Government sell it to your average US voter the notion of allowing the citizens of a broke foreign country unrestricted access to the US and US job market. How many of them will return to Poland and not stay in the US? Because to your average Joe it will come across as US…
I’m pretty sure they don’t go out of their way to put black people in anime taking place in medieval Japan. Still, the Witcher 3 got a lot of bad press for not having black people in fantasy world deeply based on polish forklore, which means there shouldn’t be any. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the future Ghibli…
Those statements could have been worded better, true. Although you could educate me in an effective way instead of being a dick about it. I’m fine with body positivity, but I’ll cop to not being accepting of all types of fat. To me, her fat is a visible trace of abuse that she spun into a positive. That works for some…