Marceline's T-shirt

Love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.

It’s important to have a job that makes a difference, boys. That’s why I manually masturbate caged animals for artificial insemination.

Heh, it’s so optimistic to think that there’ll be jobs left for our kids. Me, I’m preparing my kids for Thunderdome. Their practice with spears and spikes welded onto a dune buggy will definitely edge out anyone with a bachelors of arts degree in 2030.

Nope. They consider blood sacred and you can't even bank it and use it again. I grew up a JW and my mom had surgery and the whole banking her blood thing was a big issue. Like WTF, is the blood going to come out of your body and it's going to be like Raiders of the Lost Arc where the Holy Spirit in the blood makes

Wouldn’t organ transplants have blood in them though? Weird.

Can they bank their own blood and use that?

If they are against blood transfusions (which they are) wouldn’t hip replacements also fall under the same category?

Hold up, I got a better one:

That cat is never Rihanna. Worst double creature ever.

Eric Johnson is well behind the times. I fucked Jessica Simpson’s nanny ages ago.

I heard that Prince needed a double hip replacement (likely due to so many years of dancing in high heels), but doctors couldn’t guarantee him a “bloodless” surgery (since Jehovah’s Witnesses are against blood transfusions) so he wouldn’t get it. This led to him being in a lot of pain and the possible abuse of

I also thought “hired the best doctors to take care of Jen’s needs” was some good innuendo.

“bringing her breakfast in bed.”

If I could even understand why, it be so much less annoying! Like the woman that replied to me that uses 4, but each one has a purpose. It still seems excessive to me, but at least it has a reason. And, depending on towel quality and other factors, I even understand two....but 9!!! That’s just ridiculous.

I too have NO poker face. Sometimes I even make a noise. So embarrasing.

Now playing

Yeah, she’s definitely put her issues out there before. It really sucks. I remember when she first came out into the mainstream with No Time, I thought she was beautiful and a total badass. Though back then I think audiences were more accepting of pop stars who did not look like runway models.

What if they got a new toaster and threw out a perfectly good one? When I lived in a swanky neighborhood, people put out perfectly lovely and functional stuff when they upgraded or redecorated. I scored a 3' x 3' butcher block, a pair of le creuset pots, and a pretty wine rack when my neighbor redid her kitchen.


Distance, and keeping myself busy with other people, have always helped me when I was suffering unrequited feelings. Spending time together just reinforces it.