Marceline's T-shirt

Right? I collected heaps of escort cards. In Vegas. (apparently they’re all 20mins to your room! Impressive.)

I recently attended the wedding of my cousin, where I refused to catch the bouquet. I’ve cauht enough bouquets in my life, thank you.

OH MY GOD! your story has totally made my mind up. Gonna have my ma walk me down the aisle. Fuck what ‘people will say’. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

Egypt was once run by Goblin King Jareth?!

Why can’t I delete comments, lol

This comment is so Aus. Fuckin’ gold star.

I agree! Lucky those things weren’t even part of the story at all! High five!!

Yes! I’m 31 and I look my best now. I finally know how to do ‘my’ hair, makeup, clothing style, I know exactly what looks best on me. I know how to be wild without being a hot mess. And when I look around, my peer group is the same.


I only shop at Anthropologie. /hairflip

Cosby, is that you?

Do you spend half of your discretionary income on charity?

My mum and I worked together in the shop owned by my parents. One afternoon it was quiet and we were rearranging stuff in the store. She climbed a ladder and called me over to help. I obliged, and as I got under the ladder, I felt it.

My mum legit told me “If you can, you should try coke, it’s fun. But don’t buy it. Let some guy buy it for you.” Great advice, Ma.

This might be part of your storytelling, buuuuut I can’t help myself: The 2015 version of ecstacy is still MDMA. Lol.

Sure, that wasn’t really my point, but I get what you’re saying. :)

And it’s your choice. You do you. The science tells me that most things don’t do anything past moisturisation, but I still spend on skincare because I enjoy it.

Mine is mascara. Mascara is like a cheat-code for my face.

I’d love to see a side-by-side. I feel like most humans can’t really tell the difference in looks between someone who wears 20 different $100 products vs someone who wears 2 $5 products.

There are some people who don’t need to be talented to be a big star. And some people whom I just want to shake violently while screaming “YOU’RE JUST NOT HOT ENOUGH, GET OVER YOURSELF, GAWWWD.”