This will sound silly, but it worked for me!
I bet my friend $10 that I could not smoke until his birthday. Once I got to that date, the hard part was over.
This will sound silly, but it worked for me!
I bet my friend $10 that I could not smoke until his birthday. Once I got to that date, the hard part was over.
I once dated a guy whose biggest turn on was doing a girl from behind, while she smoked giant cones from a bong. So we did that. A lot.
This is crazy to me, you guys. I earn well below the national median (more useful than the average IMO) and I reckon I could afford a kid, by myself.
I'm from Australia, where health care is mostly free.
The way you said that sounded just like Finn from Adventure Time. And for that, I love you.
When I was a teen, I used tampons, because I was 100% sure that if I used a pad, everyone would see it through my clothes and know I had my period OMG THE SHAME.
WTF, stock photo company. Mix the dye into the water *before* you take the shot. Photo. Shot photo.
Makes perfect sense. I am really 'into' cardigans. IfyaknowwhatImean.
Not odd - to indicate 'past self' and 'future self'
Given the thickness of the layer of makeup, I'd assume that any carcinogens that were going to be absorbed into your skin would take only a couple of hours at the very most. So leaving the makeup on longer isn't going to make more soak in. It'd probably be better to put makeup on and leave it there for 24 hours than…
I thought the return to domesticity was because... Pinterest.
Umm, the media here is reporting that the Miranda thing is 'just a rumour'. ?
If there's a puddle of pee at the base of the toilet but not on the seat, it was probably me. I'm sorry.
Ours got stuck in a fly-paper-trap (yeah), and we had to trim. So now we call her Haircut. :)
Explain how it's without basis, now?
"For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in…
I don't like the way they are all sucking in their stomachs so hard. I love bellies, show me them!
I know it's a trite comment (but here I go anyways) but that's why I work in private research. The pay isn't always as good as academia, but the work is cushy and I am only expected to work 9-5.
I was like you, then I started a new routine.