There is a lot of butthurt hate for Ken Block. I always here that “he isnt even that good” or “his videos SUCK!” or “anyone could do that with his equipment”.
There is a lot of butthurt hate for Ken Block. I always here that “he isnt even that good” or “his videos SUCK!” or “anyone could do that with his equipment”.
In my brief (about 2 hours a few months ago) searching into power for 300s, I seem to recall the 3-2 barrel setup being pretty popular for the 6=8 crowd.
Good, the planet is dying. I’d still like it if ICE engines remain available in enthusiast or low-volume models, however. Pay a premium, some of which should offset the carbon emissions, and have your fun.
How many more people must sacrifice their dignity for pointless comments hating on his free high-quality entertainment?
did you marry her?
While I support the #proletariatrevolution, I doubt this will reduce muscle mass of folks who are lifting watermelon equivalents over their heads all day, but their backs will be ready to fight in the revolution.
I really hope this ends up as COTD. If nothing else I’m curious what $kaycog would come up with.
The color matched hard top doesn’t bother me nearly as much as those brodozer wheels
Way to go, you fucking toxic nerds. Solo was a good movie.
I was 12 when Return of the Jedi came out. You know what I had between 1983 and the SE releases?
Dash Fucking Rendar.
All you pansy ass pansies whining about “oversatuation” need to tape a fucking aspirin on and get back in the game.
I guaran-damn-tee you that…
To be fair, it’s not like there is much to say. Do you want them to spell out that the F-35 is not, in fact, invisible, and that it reflects light just like most other objects in the known universe? That our president is a complete and utter moron, doesn’t understand the basic workings of our world let alone the…
Ssh. It’s my goal to get one of those in the next year, don’t let others onto the secret lest prices go up.
It’s hard to get more manly than Duke F’n Togo. Or stone-faced.
I think it was called, “The RC Car That Couldn’t Slow Down”.
Not in the South.
The lack of Redline is disturbing.