What, you don’t clean your guns while loaded, chambered, cocked, and the safety off? Phhht. You must hate America...
What, you don’t clean your guns while loaded, chambered, cocked, and the safety off? Phhht. You must hate America...
Please, spare me the moral aggrandizing. This made much wider news than the initial accident. It’s a good opportunity to talk about a serious topic, and it doesn’t “shit on someone’s kind acts” to do that. That’s just straight up dishonest of you to say, as is to accuse someone of “missing the point” just because…
I guess the deciding factor is how many times your salary do you carry in Life insurance? If it’s enough to support your family without you then sure, keep risking and riding. If it is less than say 3x, I feel very comfortable calling you selfish.
Since when? There are a TON of sacrifices you need to make when you start a family. Giving up high risk activities should be pretty high on that list.
What, pray tell, would be the time or place for this according to Lavaine, who is apparently the arbiter and grand justice highmarshal of internet conversation doctrine? An article that has nothing to do with people dying on motorcycles? Or perhaps just this article when it’s stale and off the front page so nobody…
Preach. Unfortunately any fucking moron can have a kid. Society has no say. But society sure does have to pick up the slack when their dumb fucking decisions back fire.
On that note, I’m glad the grandparents are taking care of the kids. Sad situation all around. And glad people chose to step up and help.
K. I’ll go comment on an article unrelated to people dying on motorcycles.
I can’t understand taking the risk of riding a motorcycle. I REALLY can’t understand taking the risk of riding a motorcycle when you have a 3 and 6 year old at home. And finally, if you are selfish enough to take those risks, why wouldn’t you have one hell of an insurance policy so that you family doesn’t have to…
Jeeez, I don’t think I can necessarily agree with you on that one at all. Black interiors age like a ferocious jungle gorilla- they earn battle scars, develop deep wrinkles, and they mature by slowly turning a slivery-white.
Tribalism exists.
People are taught to hate other groups, it’s not a natural thing. A secular society for example would have a lot less grief for everyone.
Our world is now safer then its ever been. Sure attacks like this happen, but that does not mean we are globally on the verge on collapse and getting close to the end of days. Attacks like this are high profile so they make the news and we dont forget about them. What we do forget about is every other single day where…
I don’t think anyone claimed that terrorism was going to be solved entirely, just that we should be trying to treat the disease, not the symptoms.
It’s almost like we should only let normal folks do interviews.
This really is the best kind of everyman story in pro sports, huh? I would kinda think you’d see more beautiful randos on NFL special teams than dressed goalies, but nope. Fuck yeah.
In his defense, they have the same middle name.
Did you just confuse Burt motherfucking Reynolds with Tom motherfucking Selleck?