Tyler McChantelle

Ummm…not trying to be a Bernie Buzzkill, but I'm pretty sure that gorilla is having not fun but a wicked-bad case of cabin fever

Guess you don't like Rick and Morty very much

I take your point, but honestly I'd class what we've had of Rick and Morty so far as comfortably superior to S1 of the Simpsons and maybe even better than S2. As far as rewatchability goes, for me RaM surpasses peak Simpsons.

I might be completely off on this, but I get the impression that the Simpsons had/has a more sizeable team of people working on it and a way bigger financial carrot on the stick.

Lest we forget, poor old persecuted Bill O' was the one who actually did start a petition to try and get Keith Olbermann fired back in the day.

It doesn't help that James Corden is prattling his fat head off on American late night. Uniquely stupid use of the word "uniquely".

I take issue with the description of pre-PM May being a non-entity. She spearheaded the Snooper's Charter, has a horrible voting record on LGBT rights laws and as HS was behind the slice of dystopia that was the 'illegal immigrants go home' vans. Round my way, she's been a hate figure since the Con-Dem Coalition.

Sadly his peevish thug of a son is still very much alive and will now probably form part of the British Government

I'd agree with you 100% were it not for the claims of unpersoning by Trump and the first family. If true, that's straight-up authoritarianism and should not be hand-waved as Griffin getting hers.

That's a pretty "some animals are more equal than others" mentality if it is the reason.

Fair enough, I guess, but I genuinely want to understand why there's near-unanimity that Trump-head-chop is beyond the pale

To start with, that's a pretty big semantic jump from "accept and stomach" to "embraced". Anyhow, off the top of my head, Team America: World Police has a mostly positive reception around here and a whole slew of Hollywood personalities get killed in that. In fact, Parker and Stone are pretty relaxed about depicting

I'm lost here as to why Griffin is being condemned quite so roundly. I thought public figures depicted being killed violently was something we (that is, consumers of pop culture) had come to accept and stomach, except where context made it especially troubling. Is the resemblance to Daesh killings pushing it into that

The Simpsons once depicted Bill Clinton dying

Ah right, so they fucked up the order rather than outright misused the word

…am I missing a joke here or have I been using the word "respectively" incorrectly all this time?

No running for cover from that logic bomb, I guess

I can't speak for LGBT people, but for future reference I'd personally appreciate it if you didn't zing antisemites by calling them jews, cheers.

Anyone else reminded me of Let's Dance by Chris Montez?

If you had half a brain you'd realise what you just said is already implicit in the "if suchandsuch had half a brain" formulation