Tyler McChantelle

I think it only feels that way because the main TV channels aren't partisan in the overt way they are in the states. I think part of the reason Ten O'Clock Live was such a clunker was that although it aligned itself with the sort of politics espoused on The Daily Show, they weren't positioned against the same level of

I agree, although it's not such a great burn either way. My point was I don't think she's so ignorant that she mistook Spade for a waiter or thought anyone else would. Although I didn't even know who the girl was until I read this article so maybe I'm being too kind.

Strong Bad is on point

Despite her lead-in to the contrary, I'm certain she didn't actually think Spade was a waiter.

Probably for the best if people are certain of diminishing returns with only a second installment. I thought the Jerry co-plot was good, and Werner Herzog's discourse on humans and penises was great. The actual TV sketches about equal with Rixty Minutes.

The second one was a shitfest? Is there consensus on that? I loved it and don't know any R & M fans who didn't

I think the only answer is to try as much as possible not to overestimate one's own liberalism and underestimate one's ignorance. Or put another way, you can have an opinion on these matters but express them in a way that acknowledges your identity blindspots.

Might be wrong, but I think those were only in the first one. But yes, they were cool.

You should have listened to Marcus.

It's an internet cliché but it's true: if you couldn't care less about what anonymous punters on a comments section think of you, you wouldn't be trying to lord it over them when call you on misplaced invective. Taking up the exasperated "you people and your ways!" outsider mantle isn't convincing anyone either, btw.

Go ahead and assert that if it makes you feel better, but you're outvoted. You scolded a commenter, pretty harshly at that, because you wrongly inferred ghoulishness from their post. Then you tried to justify being so trigger-happy with a lofty snarl about how many awful people there are around here.

Marcus is right, btw

What do you mean by "tilting at windmills" in this context?

What's he even going to do with all that money? His kids no doubt hate him and the whole world just put a restraining order on him.

Wrong, mints produce coins, which may or may not be used as currency. Bank notes are produced by security printing services, in this case under contract from the Bank of Canada.

This article stinks. I was expecting details of how video game imagery or language pertinent to Canada had been worked into the bill, not a heads-up on some boring website easter egg. Also, the bankers didn't design the website, if Av Club can prove otherwise I stand corrected.

Depressingly, Roald Dahl was down with that logic.

I pretty much agree with you, but I also think that dumbness comes partly from a place of casual indifference to the real-time significance of the Holocaust. I suspect someone with a basic level of empathy would instictively know not to attempt use to Hitler as a shorthand comparison for anything whether they were

"Very verbose; wonder what he's like to talk to, especially after a few pints?" - *clears throat, smug at being able to speak from experience* incredibly nice and fun. Has a lot of good stories about his youthful hijinks in Hoireland. As the review suggests, he's conversant in all manner of culture, pop or otherwise,

For what it was - a laugh-filled jpeg with frequently demented (and sometimes genuinely subversive) concepts - it really made the web feel like it was earning its keep. I recommend all Charlie Brooker fans give it a look, a lot of Black Mirror storylines feel like TvGoHome material with more plot and less funny.