Tyler McChantelle

That's also the internet era I remember most fondly. Jump The Shark, TVGoHome and the WWWF were still going, there were new Strong Bad emails every week and the cast of Troll 2 were contributing to the IMDB forums.

I think there's been a definite feedback loop as the "monster clown" trope started to appear more and more in pop culture, but Steven King has said that Pennywise was It's catch-all manifestation because clowns were, in his experience, feared and distrusted by many children. Clowns have their roots in the grotesque

If it's wrong, I don't want to be right.

Bulk & Skull. I'm cheating a bit here since a) they're a duo and b) they became more sympathetic (or so I'm told) in the sequel series that followed Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, but I have to give them extra points for being a part I really enjoyed in a show I otherwise detested.

Hoist by your own petard, guys. The Nigerian poet is the one passing off this platitude as their own. I can't vouch for its Irishness, but I've heard it here in Scotland from time-to-time for decades.

I always thought the hockey/soccer switch was weird and unnecessary. The family love ice hockey, it's an important part of the film and we non-Americans are well aware that the US as a whole isn't overly-keen on footy. So why have the dad daydreaming about a sport that isn't mentioned in the rest of the film? Did they

Actual answer to this question: people who don't know anything about his pre-America's Got Talent career and have horrible taste.

The thing with that was whilst Kardashian might have claimed to be making some point about sexual empowerment, and may have been doing so disingenuously, at no point did she try to conflate her actions with feminism, at least not in the sense of a broader movement or school of thought. That was all on Morgan's end. He

He's always tried to be a gadfly but is nowhere near smart or charming enough to pull it off, an example being when he made a tongue-not-quite-in-cheek case for letting the Emir of Dubai rule the UK only to be met head-on with rationality from Ed Byrne https://www.youtube.com/wat… there are many, many other examples.

That's my favourite TToI pop-culture metaphor

Someone else here has probably already made this point, but I get the feeling that McGregor would've ditched the interview upon finding out Morgan is a host regardless of the latter's weekend Twitter antics. I reckon character limitation/reluctance to hash-out that pus-packet's rap sheet made him opt for the most

On behalf of eight-year-old me, let me say that it is because of people like you that children have to suffer through garbage foisted upon them by adults who assume they will uncritically enjoy anything loud and animated. Your type cursed my childhood with the likes of The Pagemaster, The Tom & Jerry Movie and the

Note: I'm Olly Creeklie from above, had to sign in with my Disqus account because AV Club sucks

I'm sure it's at least partly a cheeky metareference to the fact that Marvel Studios are now involved

Scottish guy chiming in here to point out that the article is about accents. The accent ascribed to elves is RP, which is often referred to as "Standard British" or variations thereof (and in turn "British" for the sake of brevity), particularly in North America. Ditto for Standard Scottish English.

The most irritating thing about it was that the MCU films, for all their faults, have done a fine job of injecting unexpected humour into superhero conventions, but the Deadpool guys still saw fit to squeeze in a smarmy allusion to Sam L Jackson or whatever in their post-credits stinger.

Fuck the Deadpool opening credit roll. It was a condescending gloat that the audience had just committed itself to a film self-aware enough to riff on its hackneyed storyline but too lazy to genuinely subvert it.

I was just about to ask that very question. Those lists were very sans San Junipero.

I've found this season a messy, patchily-amusing but really interesting watch. Reddit was full of people gushing over Parker & Stone sticking it to the SJWs last season, and it feels like a solid rejection of that endorsement is in the pipeline for the finale.

Personally, I think the notion that large pockets of America blanch at social justice issues was the spirit of the joke. The problem for me is that the way the joke seemed constructed to give the impression that there's is something innately silly about non-binary gender identities. It's sort of like when comedy shows