Tyler McChantelle

You've not "triggered" anyone, you've irritated a few strangers. You should be embarassed about the level of enjoyment to get from being a nuisance, not bragging about it.

I'm starting to think your dad got murdered because, like you, he never fucking shutup

Joke's On You, Internet

Of all the lines of any character in this season, her brusque "How the fuck should I know?" in response to Garrisson asking just what the hell they're going to do if they get into office had me laughing most. I replayed it about ten times.

Watching Stewart, Oliver, Bee et al bark out things I agree with night after night seems like it should be comforting, but it isn't. I think it's because so much of the time it feels like incredulity is used as a punchline. Instead of challenging folly, the routine is too much of "Roll footage, mug to camera, shout

I don't know about finishing the show, I think Cartman's story arc is definitely going to take the concluding sentiment of Raising the Bar and sledgehammer it in a much more meaningful way.

The election’s over: Which pundit is the most desperate to keep it going?

I think of the first Toxic Avenger as the best of the cynical, self-consciously B-movie films that Troma cornered in much the same way that I think of Family Guy as the zenith of animated shows that springboarded off The Simpsons but didn't do anything interesting with the form. They're both the most watchable of a

1) The photo wasn't intentionally manipulated 2) The vast majority of people realised some kind of optical illusion was afoot. Neuroscience is a pretty specialist area and at least one expert in the field said that they'd never seen this particular phenomenon as pronounced as it was with the dress. You didn't need to

I had hoped that Hello Ladies would be a success so that Merchant would get drunk and go on a rant about how he was the brains and heart behind The Office and Gervais just handled all the minge and mong jokes.