Tyler McChantelle

" I'm not asking for a medal; I'm asking for people to stop claiming that being a mooch is the only option they have in life." - if it's a living situation that everyone involved is happy with, it's really none of your business and as such your grousing about mooches comes across as self-congratulatory. No one's

Jesus Christ, go hash this out with the other three Yorkshiremen, nobody around here is going to give you a medal.

Chris Pratt cocking off over the years about how God gifted him his wife got on my nerves, so I can't really get all wistful about this.

That would've been a good way to go, but you can see her head turning to watch Jamie as he leaves

"My pitcher is in here" Horrifying.

That formulation only works if you buy into a liberal/conservative dichotomy. Validly or not, Parker and Stone claim that when they mock liberals, they aren't doing it from a conservative perspective and that, as the article notes, they are attacking sanctimony, double-standards and complacent dogma wherever they see

…except that Parker and Stone allowed that episode to go out censored, tacitly acknowledging that some demands for restriction of speech can indeed be gratified.

Eh, adults find plenty ways to piss me off in cinemas; munching snacks like pigs, sniffing and snorting, and talking quietly in the loudest way possible. With kids it makes me feel better that they can't be expected to know better.

Sincerity time: It's a brilliant website and I hope lots of AV Club users see fit to make a donation.

I don't sympathize with his behavior, but I do feel for how the guy had abuse heaped upon him by Trump. For example, as devout Catholic, Spicer was really excited at the prospect of meeting with the Pope. So Trump made sure to exclude him over some perceived slight.

I half-agree with this. I think the problem was that there just wasn't much of an appetite for another Muppet TV show.

Disappointing, they had to leave the majority of the lightsabre vvvooms muted for it to work even slightly.

So after harrumphing about how prop comics by and large pale to their more cerebral colleagues, the fact that this was a quite-nicely set-up gag sailed over the writer's head like so much cannon-confetti. That's the best punchline.

If you didn't mean it literally, then in what way is it a big deal? Every president has been non-literally attacked

TV Tropes has a nice little page dedicated to these sorts of "dull" diversions - http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/… . Enjoyment of television test cards, numbers stations and the like doesn't even seem to qualify as hobbyism, but appreciation societies dedicated to these things have sprung it all the same. It's always

I hate to say it, but I don't think Morgan is genuinely slighted here. He's just playing along.

Someone made this comment before, so I'll repeat my response: no one has ever liked Piers Morgan.

Given the article goes on to say outright that Corbyn defeated May, which as it stands is is incorrect unless you're talking in very subjective, figurative terms, it's a fair inference that the writer just didn't do their homework.

Fair enough. I'd be interested to know if reading rates and literacy were measurably affected at an international level, but I concede the overall point in the meantime.

"He rightly pointed out.." rightly how? Did he return to the subject years later with data? The assertion that anyone who sought out more books after Potter would have been avid readers anyway is straight-up begging the question.