
Bitch, please.

Oddly enough, my only vehicle has a column shift since I sold my Civic over a year ago, and I still try to downshift a floor-mounted shifter when coming up to stop lights in automatic cars. It’s always disappointing when the shifter is not there.

Sometimes I get into cars and kind of look around for the missing pedal...

Well, commuting for 2 hours a day seems like it would be the root problem there. Not only for the agony of sitting in traffic that long, but also because the longer you sit near other cars, the more likely you are to get hit.

I’m in “Steve’s” boat. I have an old truck, but I rent a house near work and ride my bicycle.

If you don’t like driving a car, sell it. Some people enjoy old cars. Granted, my truck is pretty luxurious because it has motorized windshield wipers, but that luxury does not stop me from road tripping it.

Ok, and to make it fair, let’s see the funny car drive the dirt track.

I never nooticed dat dere, eh.

More Sno*Drift: “Whoops, wrong way!”

But it was pretty cool seeing an Aveo out there.

How much pollution does the transportation of thousands of cars produce? I’ll bet it’s less than it takes to build a car, but worth considering nonetheless.

Thanks for your opinions on the EPA

But then the EPA can’t claim that they’re “reducing emissions”.

Part of fixing the problem is deterring future emissions cheaters by making an example.

Regulators aren’t trying to make the rules stricter as far as I can tell- they’re just trying to make companies conform to the spirit of the laws already in place. VW flagrantly disregarded the existing law here, which is why this is such a big deal.

Yes, keeping the embodied energy in a useful form would be the ideal way to do it, but that doesn’t punish Volkswagen very much, does it? I don’t want to see these cars destroyed either, but I can see the legal side of it.

And really bad luck with flat tires, orrr?

Oh, how I wish these videos were on YouTube, or Vimeo, or even whatever you guys use for Neat Stuff in Cool Cars, so I could actually watch it. Please.

Sounds like a lot of trouble just for food or a concert or whatever. I get that a lot of people are into it, but I don’t get why.

Lol, people do love their Costco.

I’m aware of the culture; I’ve been to LA a few times and San Diego more, and could never quite understand where all those people were going all the time.

Boy am I glad I don’t live in LA.

Ya ok. I’m sure the cops just beam them out of the car like Star Trek. I don’t know about you, but whenever I’ve gotten pulled over, the cop is always sitting in the car for a few minutes before coming back with either a ticket or a seeyalater. That would give you plenty of time for paranoid snapchatting, or whatever