For real? Can you find a screen shot?
For real? Can you find a screen shot?
Hey, what you do with your imagination is your own business dude. ;)
This car is completely awesome. I want to see an in-depth video on what it takes to drive the thing, where one puts cargo (in your pocket? What’s the hump behind the seat?) and all the rest.
Pretty sure they were not trying to aim their blasters into U-shaped pipes that redirected their fire back at themselves. But, for the life of me I can’t find a screen shot of the scene.
I’m picturing Bugs Bunny bending Elmer Fudd’s shotgun into a U shape, so it fires back into his face.
Or, Han Solo holding up the U-shaped pipes so the storm troopers’ blasters shoot back at them.
Give that blue one some smaller wheels and taller sidewalls and it’d look pretty great.
Yes, all the downforce 20mph will allow! Muahahaha!
This is very interesting, and the only reason I can see for making such a move would be to push hybrids, electric cars and other alternative fuel vehicles. You’d think supporting Formula E and encouraging Formula SAE to convert to electric would be a more constructive means to that end.
I think electric vehicles of one…
A lot of that stuff sounds like California legal/$mog problems. I’ve never seen a smog check point. Ever. We don’t have inspections in Michigan; of course this will all be worse in states with smog testing infrastructure in place already. And, don’t forget, it’s likely enormously expensive, and therefore less likely…
You can keep them for channeling your inner Liz Lemon!
Don’t get me wrong- as I said, it is, ahem, “super lame.”
Will it get passed into law? I doubt it. The auto racing sanctioning bodies in this country will be all over it.
I am starting to see that. Fortunately, I think that the combined sanctioning bodies in this country probably have enough clout to shoot this bill down before it gets anywhere. It’s ludicrous.
Bells and whistles? You can buy bells as well as whistles at the general store, comrade.
Trivial, for sure. I think it’s dumb. How about upgrading our electricity generation facilities? How about holding corporations to a higher standard? Encouraging people to drive less, and use sustainable transportation methods? Better incentive programs for improving houses? Better city planning?
Dedicated racecars are…
Nah, no one’s going to retrospectively force everyone to install now-nonexistent emissions equipment on antique cars. Seriously- think about it. There’s already a loophole even for having cheap registration on old cars- I don’t think anyone is going to screw with the guy down the street with a V8 Nova.
Good point. I’m pretty confident my truck has a PCV system, too. For sure any car older than 25 years is going to be way harder to find parts for, especially emissions parts.
I just don’t see all this happening though. You’ve got SEMA fighting against it, surely to be followed by the SCCA, NASA, NHRA and all other…
I said this to another reply: the EPA can’t even test the vast majority of stock cars on the roads today, let alone a few random track cars that see a small fraction of the total mileage every year. I didn’t read anything about dyno tunes- just a bunch of feather ruffling in an attempt to grab some meaningless power…
Who says they’d be certified? The EPA can’t even keep track of the majority of street cars out there right now putting on 10,000+ miles a year. And they’re going to care about the 1% or less of cars that put on maybe, maybe 1000 miles on the track? Nah.
On one hand, this is super lame.
On the other, it’ll just be one more hoop through which to jump if you look to race. Pre-emissions cars will be almost certainly grandfathered in, and this will take a long time to be put into effect if it somehow gets set in stone.
Consider it another safety feature- we wear seatbelts…
Honestly? I think people are too hung up on trying to, as the Beach Boys said, “Get there fast and then we’ll take it slow”. Taking two days to get somewhere isn’t as horrible as it might sound. Yes, it takes time out of the destination, but there are often interesting things to see on the way, as opposed to wasting…