
It seems that VW didn’t convert the Brazilian Gol’s B-pillars to black until about 2010.

Landing sideways on your front wheel -side...?
Unintentional, unsuccessful drift -side?

Yeah, but that’s not how this all works.

Because he registered it and drove it on the road. Duh.

I’m pretty sure you can keep it privately and trailer them around with no issues, as long as you can convince customs of that. The problem comes in when people are registering illegal cars to illegally drive on public roads. I’m against the 25-year rule as much as anyone, but come on. The stakes are too high here to

They look like rat traps to me. It’s definitely an older steel frame too.

I love that the bike completely pristine. They just put it in “service position” and took the wheel off. Great visual at a glance, but if you look at it closely you realize it’s about the laziest “bike crash” photo you could possibly take.

Have you considered buying...

No problem. The cars seem to be aimed at different buyer groups, and it appears that the design departments on both ends were doing their jobs. :)

Well, to be quite honest the Golf is basically a mid-size car now. It’s got a ton of space. I think Mk3 or 4 was the last ‘compact’ Golf. Each person’s automotive choices depend on what they need to carry; I was happy to stuff my Civic to the roof and drive across the midwest. Some people like to see out the rear

Still much better function than a sedan.

The pass-through area that would be as low as the rear window in a sedan is now as high as the roof, meaning greater cargo flexibility. As much as I would love to see hatches and wagons with vertical rear windows like a Volvo 245, they have to look attractive enough for people to want to buy them. The block look just

I just hope it’s a sweet-ass manual instead of a sweet ass-manual.

Euro headlights are a nice touch. Looks like a clean car, and mint interior stuff is obtainable through clubs and Vortex. I’d talk them down some and swap to color matched, slightly widened steelies. Selling the BBS’s will recoup some of the asking price.

many luls were had

Yeah, I didn’t figure it was fifteen below or anything. However, stuff melts really slowly in the mid thirties. Sometimes you have to help it along!

As Richard says, if the coolant freezes you’re going to need a new engine anyway. It appears that many coolants don’t freeze until well below zero, and judging by the temperatures in Detroit this week, the car probably is just fine.

That would be an awesome time lapse video.