Fordboy357 doesn't give a harumph!

I'm American and that is cause for high treason. That's Australia's Boss 429.

No Tail of the Dragon (Weekday only)?

Tail of the Dragon

A squid isn't a fish

Well, if you relate it to the Battle of Jericho in the Bible, it still doesn't make sense. It's backwards. If it was called the Joshua missile, it would make sense.

You do sound like a troll. But I'll feed anyway!

You trollin'?

1st gen Z4

If I was 4 minutes faster, I would've had my first #1 AotD

Thank you.

Not gonna lie, I've seriously considered making my dog a Facebook account.

"Oh I see" said the blind man

Was anybody else watching the keychain get horizontal? I was.

They've got a V10 one now?

Beat me to it by 4 minutes.

I don't remember doin' that shit.