Fordboy357 doesn't give a harumph!

Are you going to add a 7th gear after the new 911 comes out?

First vote = 100% crack pipe

Heart click for you using Brian Regan

I-85 from Clemson to Atlanta.

"So you can kill your daughter but you can't kill your car."

Maybe if you'd shift with your right hand.


Kindly sweet and kindly sour at the same....sauce.

Where to watch it: BTJunkie

....500 Mhz? 125 Mhz each? What is this? 1994?

Oh but it is a matter of translation. Have you ever had a conversation with someone from the UK or Ireland?

If they would just get rid of certain presenters *caugh!* Fererra! *cough!* it would be much better.

What's wrong with Pawn Stars? That's what History Channel is all about. The History of EVERYTHING.

Have you seen the first season of Top Gear UK? It's awful.

Not the point. It's the principal of the thing.

I made that up meself

What hatches have RWD?

"Oh no! I've crashed it! Almost immediately."

0 horsepower!