Tyler Giering

Good news, then. They're back in Mania, and have soooo much personality.

Bruh. Come on.

I mean, I enjoyed it. But two seasons where the season finale isn't really the season finale, and it comes months later as a double sized episode or whatever, kinda blows.

All depends on the genetic sequence that makes one pretty gangster.

Even for a joke article, this was a pretty shitty use of bandwidth. Slow news day, or running out of material?

The episode 2 preview gives credence to this

Cool, Dr Luke, put up or shut up. Kesha put the emails online for everyone to see, you want to submit them in court. Grow a pair and show the class.

I can dig it. The one roll that suits her weirdness.

*Blasphemous Rumors" by Depeche Mode plays quietly in the background*

Just to counter, aside from being a joke, is his pedophilia ever dressed in The Big Lebowski? I mean, in the "real world" a pedo pretty much always a pedo, but this is Hollywoodland. Doesn't have to be brought up again or be a plot focus.

I was bummed he had no Steely Dan. I'm glad A/V club rectified this.

Penguin/Oz seems a bit bitter that Bruce is Gotham's golden boy while his family plummeted from the face of the Earth, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's involved. I mean, the gang double crossing is definitely him, but I think the Wayne slander is too. The Waynes did have some kind of dealing with Falcone, so we have

I just want you to know I appreciate you pulling out a Harvey Birdman reference. Bless you.

He is perhaps one of the best artists alive today, but his work is incredibly involved. I do hope he at least does this title's annual or one off.

No way in hell he'd have time for a monthly. I still remember the wait for Batman Noel…. Hell, I think the art in Suiciders was done way in advance as well.

Since day one. Day mother fucking one.

Here's right, an Oasis album would still sound like shit on a Friday.

meh it's not great, but it's not terrible. The jokey/theme month covers tend to be the same price as the regular covers (unless they're crazy popular, then the shop will price hike). Only covers that break the bank are the order 50 to get one and order 100 to get one covers.

Oceanic is fucking amazing. Even as a joke post, I couldn't let "pretty great" slide.

Are you high? The summon animations are the best part. Why in Jenova's name would you want to skip it?