Tyler Giering

And that's if you're lucky. Hell, PC got a whole new station.

best song on Nonstop Pop? Yes.

If I buy myself a star, and call myself Star Lord, will I have any diplomatic rights? Ya know, since I'm a lord?

{not so much a} plot twist: Doctor Who and Sherlock share the same universe.

eh. I haven't dug it. The art is phenomenal, and the more street level approach to Batman stories is a cool concept, just the stories drag out far too long. Batman proper has a similar issue, but at least those stories are interesting. I cannot for the life of me remember a single detail about the Icarus arc.

Meh, I disagree, but this is about as subjective of a topic as you can get. I felt it was a great continuation/closer for Season 5, and closed quite a few doors as well as opened a handful.

I know… I just… -sniff- I miss her

Yup. That's why Monarch and Gary were visably uncomfortable when Dr Mrs The Monarch was crying over them.

I'm sure JJ will have some kind of exception where Rusty has a board to answer to.

It was kind of a long time coming. I think they hinted at it at a con, then they said they were hoping to make it another holiday timed special.

Are you a long time viewer, or relatively new? Cause for many of us we've gestated every season , with long period of time between them. I didn't find it particularly hard to follow, nor did I find it bloated.

"Well, I don't usually partake, but shucks, I'm not in an oxygen - rich environment anymore!"

Especially since it was all a mind battle, a la The Stand.

Really don't see it happening. But hey, there always fanfiction.net if you're that married to the idea.

After Adult Swim ' Webster closed, most merchandise became limited runs. Hell, there used to be a Guild of Calamitous Intent tie and cuff link set! Since the switch to Timo use though they're getting better with clothing. Action figures for the Venture Brothers exist too but some are hard to find online.

Were this Season 5, I'd agree with you, but Dean has really gotten over his issues. Basically all of his puberty came flooding in after Triana/learning he's a clone. After this episode, he seems…. happy? It's a pretty big change, and I hope that means Dean know who he wants to be (reporter? Boy detective? )

Triana? I'm still waiting for fucking Kim.

all that matters is the Metal Gear Solid movie (and if it was included in the leaked documents)

And what petition is that?

So, what are their demands, exactly?